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On the bookshelf About science in memoriesTwo new books by researchers of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems: the collection "Physics among friends and colleagues" by Vladimir Komarov and the monograph "Muons and nuclei, or the adventures of the muon in the nucleus" authored by Basar Sabirov have been published at the JINR Publishing Department.
The monograph "Muons and nuclei, or the adventures of the muon in the nucleus" is addressed to novice physicists interested in the investigation of muons, looking for new phenomena of the interaction of elementary particles with nuclei and atoms and meeting current issues using advanced experimental techniques.
Vladimir Komarov (born in 1935) - experimental physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, veteran of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems. He began working at JINR in 1957 with graduate practice at the laboratory's synchrocyclotron. Having received a diploma with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow University, he was hired at DLNP in 1959, where he worked in positions from junior to chief researcher. He periodically united scientific experiments with administrative work as a scientific secretary of a laboratory or head of a scientific department. He carried out experiments at proton accelerators in Dubna, Protvino, CERN and Julich (Germany). The results are presented in more than 180 scientific publications, written by him personally or in collaboration with colleagues. Basar Sabirov graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Tashkent State University with a specialization in nuclear physics. Since 1969, he has worked at DLNP. He has gained experience working with muonic atoms in the investigations of the nuclear, atomic and chemical properties of matter and has extensively participated in experiments on the use of muonic atoms in medical and biological space research together with the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is an author and participant in an experiment on the research of the monopole excitation of nuclei during the decay of a bound muon. He participated in the development of the muon system in the D0 experiment at Fermilab (USA), where he was Head of the JINR group. He carried out extensive research work on modernizing the cryomodule of the International Linear Collider (ILC) and obtained a patent for the invention. Currently, he is engaged in the production and research of straw tubes for the international experiment COMET in Japan.
The quantum world has wonA group of researchers from the Institute of SAM of the Dubna University and the Laboratory of Information Technologies of JINR widely introduces quantum algorithms into the paper related to computational processes at the NICA collider.
The training of such personnel was discussed at the recent congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE), in which Russian President Vladimir Putin took part. During the discussion, the issue of developing a consortium of business and universities in the country for scheduled training in the field of quantum technologies was raised. The results of the implementation of quantum algorithms at the NICA Dubna collider were also highlighted. President agreed with the need to develop "quantum personnel" and noted that the government would support the proposal to develop a consortium on the basis of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs for the training of quantum engineers that would include business and the country's leading universities. Such engineers will be able to propose algorithms for the security sector at all levels, for the logistics industry, agriculture and fundamental science. Leading scientists of the Russian Federation and the world work on end-to-end quantum technologies and it is very important that Dubna scientists are involved in such critically important projects. uni-dubna.ru