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Personal dimension Dream has come true within the walls of JINRAlexander Bodrov is currently Head of the Group for Obtaining Radioactive Isotopes in the Sector of Transactinide Chemistry of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and prepares to defend his PhD thesis. Only seven years have passed since he learned about JINR. But during this relatively short period of time, very important events have taken place: Alexander graduated with honors from the Chemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Radiochemistry, and later, from postgraduate studies at Moscow State University. His story of employment at our Institute, on the one hand, is quite simple and on the other hand, it has become a clear example of how important contacts, information and knowledge exchange at specialized conferences, seminars and forums can be for one's future destiny. To get acquainted, to listen, to accept the invitation and here is the turn, behind which great opportunities opened up, participation in world-class research, the road to the most significant scientific results.
In April 2017, the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, where I was studying at the time, hosted an international conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Lomonosov", in which I participated. At the Conference, I met Alexander Madumarov, at that time he worked in the Sector of Transactinide Chemistry of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions. I was at a crossroads then, related to the choice of the topic of my thesis. Sasha suggested me and my friend to visit FLNR and without thinking twice, we agreed. In mid-May 2017, we went on an excursion to FLNR, where I met the employees of the Sector, visited the radiochemical laboratories and learned about the basic research areas. After this short excursion, we agreed with Head of the Sector Nikolay Aksenov and senior researcher Mr. Bozhikov to meet in September to determine plans. Later, during the discussion, we chose the topic of the diploma thesis - "Radiochemical separation of actinides obtained in nuclear transfer reactions". After this meeting, literally within six months, the thesis was completed and defended at the Department of Radiochemistry of the Chemistry Faculty of Moscow State University in 2018. I am grateful to my supervisor N.V.Aksenov and G.Bozhikov, as well as to our colleagues from the Radiochemical Laboratory of FLNR for the opportunities that were provided and the time that they devoted to me during the course of this work. After defending my diploma, I was hired as an engineer and since 2018, I have continued what I started, that is, improving the technique for isolating actinides, which I am currently engaged in, already within the framework of my PhD thesis. Since 2019, I have been involved in a very important topic for FLNR - the production of accelerator radioactive targets. My supervisor in this area was Head of the Target Group Alexey Sabelnikov. Due to the difficult conditions in the 2nd class radiochemical laboratory, one needs to be extremely careful and to have the appropriate training: to be able to work in fume hoods with glove inputs and in plastic boxes with a rarefied atmosphere. Everything was new to me, despite the fact that the target laboratory itself is not new. A year later, I acquired the skills to work in such conditions, studied the molecular precipitation technique - the basic technique for producing accelerator targets from uranium, plutonium, americium and other heavy actinides. That same year, research was carried out at the new accelerator complex, the Superheavy Element Factory. In recent years, we have produced unique actinide targets for implementing physical and chemical experiments on the synthesis and for studying the properties of SHE. This research has given me invaluable experience. Since 2022, I have been Head of a new group. The main goal of founding it was also an extremely important task for the SHE Factory - chemical synthesis of substances for the ECR source. At the moment, volatile substances are used for ionization in ECR sources. Together with my supervisor Nikolay Aksenov, we managed to quickly establish the synthesis of organometallic compounds of enriched chromium-54 and titanium-50 isotopes to carry out unique research at the SHE Factory. We implement this research in collaboration with our friends from the INEOS RAS Institute. Also, for research at the SHE Factory, we currently produce sources of the unique calcium-48 nuclide, but in larger quantities. We have recently completed the upgrade of the calcium-48 production stands that will increase our capabilities in the production of this substance for the ECR source. Both the synthesis of organometallic compounds and the production of calcium-48 are chemical processes. Thanks to the broad outlook obtained at the Chemistry Department of Moscow State University, understanding of these processes and later, adjusting the technology on the new stand was carried out quite fast. Another area that we are going to develop together with Nikolay Aksenov is radioanalytical research. Our laboratory has a good base for applied research - the MT-25 microtron that can be used for multi-element gamma and neutron activation analysis and for using XRF, gamma and alpha spectrometers. This year, we purchased an ICP-OES spectrometer for qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as an ion chromatograph for liquid chromatography that will enhance our analytical capabilities. This area has a long history at FLNR and today, we believe in its successful development. This year, my colleagues Marina Gustova, Svetlana Kaplina and me have scheduled experiments to study the distribution of heavy metals and radionuclides in natural samples within the framework of our collaboration with scientists from Mongolia. In addition to the activities mentioned above, I take part in experiments on the chemistry of new superheavy elements. Since this is the main research area in the Sector, all radiochemists participate in the intense time of sessions at the SHE Factory. I am very glad that I am lucky to work in the most famous accelerator laboratory in the world, where there is an opportunity to dream, to create, to contribute to the solution of global scientific tasks and thanks to my colleagues, that have become my friends over so many years, their support and wise advice, I am able to cope with complex tasks. In addition, at JINR, I have found many good friends that help me to develop and to learn a lot of new things both in physics and chemistry. I have got many acquaintances that are useful in scientific work thanks to the youth conferences of AYSS. Communication, interesting scientific tasks, work at the intersection of sciences, for which it is necessary to constantly acquire additional knowledge, to expand your horizons - this is what I have dreamed about and this dream has come true within the walls of JINR.