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Youth and science Two JINR employees awarded Governor's PrizeOn 29 October, the winners of the annual Moscow Region Governor’s Prize were announced. Young scientists and specialist were awarded for their endeavours in science, technology, engineering, and innovation. Among the fifteen prizewinners are two representatives of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the VBLHEP Scientific and Experimental Department of Superconducting Magnets and Technologies Dmitry Nikiforov and Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, a researcher at the BLTP Sector of Nuclear Reactions and Core Structure Evgeny Mardyban.
Evgeny Mardyban received the Governor’s Prize for the study of the structure and properties of atomic nuclei within the framework of collective nuclear models.
The author conducted a number of original scientific studies on the structure of heavy atomic nuclei under various deformations and at different excitation energies. The scope of the researcher’s activity includes implementing software for analysing experimental data and calculating the characteristics of nuclei necessary for conducting experiments. The methods and algorithms he designed can be applied to a variety of tasks requiring collective models of nuclei, and the results obtained can be used for a wide range of studies related to the phenomenon of coexistence of forms and phase transitions in the atomic nucleus. The calculation results of various nuclei characteristics can be useful for planning and conducting experiments studying heavy and superheavy nuclei and experiments related to various nuclear reactions. We congratulate the Institute’s employees on winning the competition and wish them great scientific achievements, new discoveries, and brilliant results! Based on the information from the JINR Press Office