The main materials of the issue (No 6 of 20.02.25):
Outstanding scientists of Kazakhstan, Russia, and South Africa awarded the OGANESSON-2024 Prize
The ceremony took place on 14 February 2025 at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow). The founders of the prize are Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Yuri Oganessian and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
Science news, accelerator launch, elections
On 13-14 February, the 137th session of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held in the International Conference Centre in a hybrid format. At the meeting, the news of the Laboratories and divisions of the Institute were presented, Co-chairman of the Scientific Council, Director of FLNR and Deputy Directors of LRB were elected. The decision of jury on awarding JINR Annual Prizes for the best scientific papers was approved.
Denes Nagy: "Discussion was lively and fruitful"
Having freed himself after participating in the 137th session of the Scientific Council, Chairman of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics Professor Denes Nagy summarized the results of the 60th meeting of the PAC held on 27 January.
From school curiosity - to detectors for nuclear physics
The guest of our section is Alexander Nartov, a fifth-year student of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin). Two years ago, he first came to practice at JINR, although in absentia was a much earlier. Today, Alexander is preparing to defense his PhD thesis, his supervisors in JINR speak about him as a talented, promising young specialist. We asked A.Nartov to tell about how his path to science developed and how this path stretched to Dubna.