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06-4-1036-2001/2004   Priority:

Nuclear Physics with Neutrons - Fundamental
and Applied Investigations


W. Furman
V. Shvetsov

Scientific Programme:

Nuclear physics studies with neutrons include experimental investigations of the electromagnetic properties of the neutron, studies of fundamental symmety violations of the neutron-nucleus interaction in reactions induced by neutrons, investigations of the properties of excited nuclear states in reactions with resonance, astrophysical aspects of neutron physics. Continuation of studies in resonance neutron induced fission is also planned. Creation and test of a new installation for measurements of time-noninvariance effects in the interaction of resonance neutrons with nuclei should be realized. New experiments are planned at the ILL reactor for studies of an anomaly of UCN storage as well as new phenomena in quantum optics of cold neutrons. Applied researches of heavy metal pollution of the environment and human body, as well as of new biotechnologies by the method of neutron activation analysis (NAA) and the design and manufacturing of neutron detectors of different types will be also conducted.

Expected main results in 2001:

List of Activities

  Activity or project SpokespersonsStatus
1. FLNP W. Furman
V. Shvetsov
Data taking
2. REGATA project M. Frontasyeva Data taking

Participating Institutes and Organizations

Australia Univ. (Parkville)
Austria Univ. (Innsbruck)
Azerbajan IP (Baku)
Belarus NIINP BSU, IRPChP (Minsk)
Belgium IRMM (Geel)
Bulgaria INRNE (Sofia), UP (Plovdiv)
China PTNNC (Beijing)
Czech Republic PTI, Charles Univ. (Prague), NPI (Rez)
Egypt NRC AEA (Cairo)
France ILL (Grenoble), CEC CEA (Cadarache), DAPNIA (Saclay)
Germany EKU (Tubingen),THD (Darmstadt), FRM (Garching),
FZK (Rossendorf, Karlsruhe)
Japan KEK (Tsukuba), KSU (Kyoto)
Latvia IP (Riga)
Mongolia IPT (Ulanbaatar)
Netherlands TUD (Delft)
Norway Univ. (Dragvoll)
Poland UL (Lodz), NINP (Cracow)
of Korea KAERI (Taejon)
Romania INFIN-HH (Bucharest)
Russia SRC RRC KI, SRC-ITEP, MEPI (Moscow),
PNPI (Gatchina), SSR-IPPE (Obninsk),
RSR IEP(Sarov), PSU (St. Petersburg), VSU (Voronezh )
Slovak Republic IP, CU (Bratislava)
South Africa UNISA (Pretoria)
UK RAL (Didcot)
Ukraine INR, TSNU (Kiev)
USA LANL (Los Alamos)

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