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Status: New

Multimodal Platform for Raman and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy and Microspectroscopy for Condensed Matter Studies

Leader:     G.M. Arzumanyan

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Moldova, Romania, Russia, USA.
Scientific Programme:
Experimental studies on optical analysis of condensed matter by Raman and nonlinear optical microscopy and microspectroscopy, including CARS (Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering) spectroscopy, which is sensitive to the vibrational signatures of molecules, typically the nuclear vibrations of chemical bonds. Research of optical properties, chemical analysis, surface morphology and other characteristics of condensed matter on the multi-modal optical platform constructed on the basis of the confocal laser scanning microscope "CARS".

Expected main results in 2013:
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
  Laboratory and
Responsible person
Main researchers for the Laboratory
1. Final adjustment and functional launch of the multimodal optical platform G.M. Arzumanyan
  MAC "Nanobiophotonics" I.A. Kryachko, A.V. Filippov
2. Testing, data taking and processing G.M. Arzumanyan
Data taking
  MAC "Nanobiophotonics" I.A. Kryachko, K.Sh. Voskanyan + 2 engineers
3. Study of optical properties and structural features of luminescent glass materials and nanoglassceramics G.M. Arzumanyan
Data taking
  MAC "Nanobiophotonics" V.Vartic, F.V. Filippov + 1 engineer
  FLNP Kozlenko D.P. + 2 engineers
4. Investigation of structural modifications and spectroscopic characteristics of the surface of silicon wafers induced by ionizing radiation. G.M. Arzumanyan
Data taking
  MAC "Nanobiophotonics" I.A. Kryachko + 1 engineer
  FLNR V.F. Reutov
5. Preparatory works for creation of infrastructure with adequate tools to enlarge the optical platform studied objects, in particular, biological and biocompatible samples. G.M. Arzumanyan
Preparotory work
  MAC "Nanobiophotonics" K.Sh. Voskanyan, I.A. Kryachko
  VBLHEP S.I. Tjutjunnikov
  FLNP M. Balasoiu + 2 engineers

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Armenia Yerevan YSU
Inst. Physiology NAS RA
Belarus Minsk BSTU
Germany Julich FZJ
Moldova Chi sina TUM
Russia Moscow Intertech Comporation
Moscow, Zelenograd NT-MDT Co.
St. Petersburg NITIOM
Romania Bucharest IFIN-HH
USA Buffalo, NY UB's ILPB

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