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Status: Extended

Medical and Biological Research with JINR Hadron Beams

Leader:     G.V. Mitsyn

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Czech Republic, Israel, Poland, Romania, Russia.
Scientific Programme:
Medico-biological and clinical research for the treatment of cancer patients with beams of heavy nuclear particles of the JINR Phasotron and for the accompanying diagnostics.

Expected main results in 2013:
List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leader
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Main researchers
1. Medico-biological and
clinical research for the
treatment of cancer
patients and accompanying
diagnostics at the medical-
technical complex of JINR
G.V. Mitsyn
  DLNP S.V. Shvidky, I.V. Alexandrova, I.D. Alexandrov, A.V. Agapov, M.V. Alexandrova, K.P. Afanasieva, S.Yu. Bakaev, K.Sh. Voskanyan, V.N. Gaevsky, G.V. Donskaya, V.M. Breyev, D.M. Yendzhejchak, Ye.I. Luchin, S.V. Korablinova, I.I. Klochkov, L.N. Korovina, Ya.V. Kurgansky, N.V. Levkovich, G.V. Mytsin, A.G. Molokanov, L.N. Namolovan, S.A. Pisareva, M.V. Repin, D.K. Sobolev, S.S. Uglova, M.A. Zeitlina, K.N. Shipulin

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Czech Republic Rez NRI
Israel Haifa IOE
Poland Krakow NINP PAS
Otwock-Swierk NCBJ
Poznan GPCC
Romania Bucharest UMF
Russia Moscow VIGG RAS
Dubna RDH-9
Obninsk MRRC

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