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Status: Approved for completion
in 2017

Development of Experimental Facilities for Condensed Matter Investigations with Beams of the IBR-2 Facility

Leaders:     S.A. Kulikov
V.I. Prikhodko

Participating Countries and International Organizations:
Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

Scientific Programme:
Development and construction of a control system of the cryogenic moderator CM-201 for IBR-2 beams N 1, 4, 5, 6, 9.
Design of equipment, electronics and software for the complex of IBR-2 spectrometers;
development of the FLNP information and computing infrastructure according to the needs of the Laboratory
and the development strategy of the JINR computer network.

Expected main results in 2017:
  • Test operation and development of the CM-202 cryogenic moderator systems with a double cryostat and control systems. Experimental studies of radiation and moderating properties of novel advanced materials for cold moderators on the DIN-2PI spectrometer of IBR-2 and radiation research facility. Study and optimization of parameters of the CM-201 moderator on a test stand. Study of radiation resistance of magnetic sensors and detector materials.

  • Development and use of the VITESS software package for simulation of reflectometric and GISANS experiments in the modified kinematic approximation; simulation of diffraction and diffuse scattering from multilayer structures with magnetic domains.

  • Implementation of the project "Development of PTH sample environment system for the DN-12 diffractometer at the IBR-2 facility" (start-up and adjustment activities: creation of a temperature map for cryostat units with short-circuited current leads at the level of 77 K and 20 K; installation of a magnet in a horizontal position, generation of a magnetic field, measurement of characteristics of the magnet; installation of the cryostat with a sample into the cryostat of the magnet).

  • Manufacturing of a monitor 2D PSD for the IBR-2 spectrometers and elements of the ASTRA-M detector system for the FSD spectrometer. Development of a PSD detector with boron convertor, investigation of its characteristics. Assembling and testing of a ring small-angle detector (RTD spectrometer). Equipping of a clean room in bldg. 119.

  • Development, manufacturing and adjustment of the prototype of USB-3.0 interface module for MPD-16 electronic units of data acquisition systems of IBR-2 spectrometers. Assembling of 90°-detectors, adjustment of analog and digital electronics, testing of a detector system in different operation modes on the FSS diffractometer. Adaptation of 8-channel digital converter CAEN 6730 for processing data from one- and two-coordinate neutron position-sensitive detectors.

  • Putting into operation of the control system of actuators on the basis of Huber goniometer for sample positioning on the FSS diffractometer and the control system of four power sources on the REMUR spectrometer. Design and prototyping of a new control system of the chopper on the basis of a stepper motor.

  • Modernization and technical support of the Sonix+ software package, its adaptation to new versions of the software in use. Installation of Sonix+ on the FSS diffractometer. Integration of drivers of new equipment into Sonix+ and development of new programs of the software package at the requests of the users.

  • Modernization of outdated network switches in FLNP buildings 42 and 42a for providing data transfer rate of 1 Gbits/s in all LAN nodes. Expansion of WiFi laboratory network.

List of projects:
  Project Leader Priority
(period of realisation)
1. Development of PTH sample
environment system for the DN-12
diffractometer at the IBR-2 facility
A.N. Chernikov 1   (2015-2017)

List of Activities
  Activity or Experiment Leaders
  Laboratory or other
Division of JINR
Responsible person
Main researchers
1. Development of a control system
of CM-201 moderator for neutron
beams N 1, 4, 5, 6, 9
S.A. Kulikov
E.P. Shabalin
  FLNP M.V. Bulavin + 5 engineers, + 7 workers, A.S. Kirilov
+ 2 engineers, A.P. Sirotin + 2 engineers
2. Calculations and simulation
of spectrometers’ elements.
Development of the VITESS
software package
A.V. Belushkin
  FLNP E S.A. Manoshin, S.A. Kulikov + 2 engineers
3. Development and manufacturing
of new control and data acquisition
electronics for the FSS spectrometer
A.A. Bogdzel
A.P. Sirotin
  FLNP F.V. Levchanovsky + 2 engineers, N.D. Zernin
4. Development and implementation
of gas-filled and scintillation
detectors at the IBR-2 spectrometers
A.V. Belushkin
S.A. Kulikov
  FLNP M.V. Avdeev, G.D. Bokuchava, A.I. Kuklin + 2 engineers, A.V. Churakov + 3 engineers, A.A. Bogdzel + 4 engineers, V.V. Zhuravlev, V.V. Kruglov, A.S. Kirilov + 1 engineer
5. Development of data acquisition,
control and experiment automation
systems, as well as of Sonix+
software package at the IBR-2 spectrometers
V.I. Prikhodko
A.P. Sirotin
A.S. Kirilov
  FLNP A.A. Bogdzel + 2 engineers, F.V. Levtchanovsky + 2 engineers, V.V. Zhuravlev + 3 engineers, S.M. Murashkevich + 2 engineers
6. Creation of a cloud polygon
eutron physics" in cooperation
with LIT; carrying out
computations using IaaS and SaaS
services. Development of FLNP
network infrastructure in
accordance with the development
strategy of the JINR computer network
S.A. Kulikov
V.I. Prikhodko
  FLNP G.A. Sukhomlinov + 2 engineers, A.S. Kirilov
+ 2 engineers, S.A. Manoshin + 1 engineer
  LIT V.V. Korenkov + 2 engineers

Country or International
City Institute or Laboratory
Belarus Minsk BSTU
Bulgaria Sofia INRNE BAS
Czech Republic Rez NPI ASCR
France Grenoble ILL
Saclay LLB
Germany Berlin HZB
Heidelberg Univ.
Magdeburg OVGU
Munich TUM
Karlsruhe KIT
Zeuthen DESY
Julich FZJ
Hungary Budapest Wigner RCP
Republic of Korea Daejeon NFRI
Romania Bucharest INCDIE ICPE-CA
Targoviste UVT
Russia Moscow NNRU "MEPhI"
Moscow, Troitsk INR RAS
Dubna Dubna Univ.
Gatchina PNPI
Yekaterinburg IMP UB RAS
Nizhny Novgorod IPM RAS
Slovakia Bratislava IMS SAS
Ukraine L'viv LPNU
United Kingdom Didcot RAL

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