TIME6T                   Library "JINRLIB"                       
    Authors: S.I.Vinitsky, A.A.Gusev, O.Chuluunbaatar                You are
    Language: Fortran                                                
                                                                     visitor here.

        Program complex for the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem
                for the time-dependent Schroedinger equation

    TIME6T 1.0 - numerical solutions  of the Cauchy problem for the 
    time-dependent Schroedinger equation in the finite spatial variable 
    interval .
    TIME6T 2.0 - numerical solutions  of the Cauchy problem for the 
    multidimensional time-dependent Schroedinger equation.

           TIME6T 1.0 - numerical solutions  of the Cauchy problem
                    for the time-dependent Schroedinger equation

    The subroutine TIME6T 1.0 calculates numerical solutions  of the Cauchy
    problem for the time-dependent Schroedinger equation in the finite spatial 
    variable interval 
    with the initial condition 
    up to 2M (M=1, 2, 3) order of accuracy in the time step  of a uniform
    grid , covering the time 
    interval , using the explicit Magnus expansion [1] of the
    evolution operator with the additional gauge transformations and their 
    Pade approximations.

    The considered scheme was constructed on the basis of the algorithms
    published in paper [2]. Further discretization of the resulting problem
    is implemented by means of the finite-element method [3], using Lagrange
    interpolation polynomials up to the order p=8 at suitable smoothness
    of the solution.

    1. Magnus W. Commun. Pure Appl. Math., 1954, v. 7, pp. 649-673.
    2. Chuluunbaatar O. et al. J. Phys. A, 2008, v. 41, pp. 295203-1-25.
    3. Bathe K.J.  Finite element procedures in engineering analysis. 
       Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, New York, 1982.

    Name: TIME6T
                          BOUNDC, COLMHT, ERRDIM, FEGRID,MAXHT, GAULEG,
                          NODGEN, SHAPEF, MULTC, MULTCC, REDBAC, DECOMC
    External subroutines: POTCAL, DINIT (user-supplied subroutines)



    TITLE  - character symbol, title of the run to be printed on the output
    NPOL   - integer number, order of interpolating Lagrange polynomials.
    TMIN   - double precision number, begin of time interval.
    TMAX   - double precision number, end of time interval.
    TAU    - double precision number, time step of time variable t.
    ITORDR - integer number, order of Magnus expansion, 1 , 2 , 3.
    IPRINT - integer number, level of print, 0 , 1 , 2.
    IPRSTP - integer number, step of spatial variable x with which solutions
             are printed out.
    IPRITT - integer number, step of time variable t with which solutions
             are printed out.
    NMESH  - integer number, dimension of array RMESH. NMESH always should be
             odd and > = 3.
    RMESH  - double precision array, array RMESH contains information about
             subdivision of interval [x_min,x_max] of space variable x on
             subintervals. The whole interval [x_min,x_max] is divided as
             follows: RMESH(1) = x_min, RMESH(NMESH) = x_max, and the values
             of RMESH(I) set the number of elements for each subinterval
             [RMESH(I-1), RMESH(I+1)], where I=2, 4, ... , NMESH-1.
    IBOUND - integer number, parameter defining the type of boundary
             conditions set in the boundary points x = x_min and x = x_max:
             = 1 - the Dirichlet - Dirichlet boundary conditions;
             = 2 - the Dirichlet - Neumann boundary conditions;
             = 3 - the Neumann - Dirichlet boundary conditions;
             = 4 - the Neumann - Neumann boundary conditions.
    FNOUT  - character symbol, name of the output file for printing out 
             the results of the calculation.
    IOUT   - integer number, number of the output logical device for printing
             out the results of the calculation.
    FMATR  - character symbol, name of the scratch file for storing matrices.
    IOUM   - integer number, number of the logical device for storing matrices.
    EVWFN  - character symbol, name of the output file for storing the results
             of the calculation, namely, finite-element grid points, and
             solutions. It is used only if IOUF > 0.
    IOUF   - integer number, number of the logical device for storing data
             into file EVWFN.
    TOT    - double precision array, working vector.
    ITOT   - integer array, working vector.
    ZTOT   - double complex array, working vector.
    MTOT   - integer number, dimension of the working array TOT.
    MITOT  - integer number, dimension of the working array ITOT.
    MZTOT  - integer number, dimension of the working array ZTOT.


    NGRID  - integer number, the number of finite-element grid points.
    NN     - integer number, the number of finite-element grid points of solution.
    TT     - double precision number, the value of time variable t.
    TAU    - double precision number, the time step of time variable t.
    XGRID  - double precision array, contains the values of the finite-element 
             grid points.
    ZU     - double complex array, contains calculated solution.

    Example 1: subroutine POTCAL for the given potential
               f(x,t) = (4 - 3 * exp(-t)) * x**2 / 2

       IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z)
       DATA ZERO / 0.D0 /, ONE / 1.D0 /
       HH = (4 - 3 * DEXP(-TT)) * RG**2 / 2
       SS = ZERO
       DA = ONE / 2
       DS = ZERO
       IF (ITORDR .GE. 2) THEN
         F1 = -3 * DEXP(-TT) / 24 * RG**2 / 2
         HH = HH + TAU**2 * F1
         F1 =  3 * DEXP(-TT) / 12 * RG**2 / 2
         SS = SS + TAU**2 * F1
       END IF
       IF (ITORDR .GE. 3) THEN
         F1 = -3 * DEXP(-TT) * RG**2 / 2 / 1920
      1    + ( 3 * DEXP(-TT) * RG)**2 / 1440
      2    - (-3 * DEXP(-TT) * RG) * (4 - 3 * DEXP(-TT)) * RG / 720
         HH = HH + TAU**4 * F1
         F1 = 3 * DEXP(-TT) * RG**2 / 2 / 480
      1     + (3 * DEXP(-TT) * RG) * (4 - 3 * DEXP(-TT)) * RG / 720
         SS = SS + TAU**4 * F1
         DA = DA + (- 3 * DEXP(-TT)) * TAU**4 / 720
         DS = DS - (  3 * DEXP(-TT)) * TAU**4 / 720
       END IF

    RG  - double precision number, the value of spatial variable x.
    TT  - double precision number, the value of time variable t.
    TAU - double precision number, the time step of time variable t.
    HH  - double precision number, contains the operator A^(M)_k without
          differential operators at M=ITORDR.
    SS  - double precision number, contains the operator S^(M)_k without
          differential operators at M=ITORDR.
    DA  - double precision number, contains the coefficient of differential
          operators of operator A^(M)_k at M=ITORDR. DA = 1/2 at ITORDR = 1, 2, 
          while DA = 1/2 + f_{xxtt}(x,t) * TAU**4 / 720 at ITORDR = 3.
    DS  - double precision number, contains the coefficient of differential
          operators of operator S^(M)_k at M=ITORDR. DS = 0 at ITORDR = 1 , 2,
          while DS = - f_{xxt}(x,t) * TAU**4 / 720 at ITORDR = 3.

    Here parameters RG, TT, TAU should not be changed by users.

    Example 2: subroutine DINIT for given initial condition
               psi_0(x) = sqrt(sqrt(1 / pi)) * exp( - (x - sqrt(2))**2 / 2)

       IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Y)
       DATA ONE / 1.D0 /, TWO / 2.D0 /
       PI = DACOS(- ONE)
       FG = DSQRT(DSQRT(ONE / PI))
       DO I = 1 , NN
         X = XGRID(I + KEY)
         ZU1(I) = FG * DEXP( - (X - DSQRT(TWO))**2 / 2)
       END DO

    KEY - integer number, If IBOUND >= 3 then KEY = 0, else KEY = 1.
    Here parameters KEY, NN, NGRID, XGRID should not be changed by users.

    1. In subroutine TIME6T 1.0 is used the dynamic distribution storages as
       one-dimensional arrays TOT, ZTOT ITOT, RMESH. In test example their 
       dimension is set by the values MTOT=100000, MZTOT=100000, MITOT=100000, 
       NMESH1=5. If user has set insufficient values of dimension above arrays 
       the message about an error is printed and the execution of the program 
       is aborted. In the last case, in order to carry out the required 
       calculation it is necessary to increase the dimensions of arrays to the 
       quantity taken from the message.
    2. For the accuracy control over the numerical solution by step TAU,
       the Runge coefficient on four twice condensed grids is additionally
       calculated, using the subroutine RUNGE.

    Sources TIME6T 1.0 with example and detailed description (pdf) are submitted.

          TIME6T 2.0 - numerical solutions  of the Cauchy problem
          for the multidimensional time-dependent Schroedinger equation

    The subroutine TIME6T 2.0 calculates numerical solutions  of the Cauchy
    problem for the time-dependent Schroedinger equation in d-dimensional space 
    up to 2M (M=1, 2, 3) order of accuracy in the time step  of a uniform grid 
     covering the time interval 
    , in the frame of the Kantorovich method [1] using the explicit 
    Magnus expansion [2] of the evolution operator with the additional gauge
    transformations and their Pade approximations.

    The considered scheme was constructed on the basis of the algorithms 
    published in [3]. Further discretization of the resulting problem is 
    implemented by means of the finite-element method [4] using Lagrange
    interpolation polynomials up to the order p=8 at suitable smoothness
    of the solution. Test example is carried out from paper [5]. 
    1. Kantorovich L.V. and Krylov V.I. Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis. 
       New York, Wiley, 1964.
    2. Magnus W. Commun. Pure Appl. Math., 1954, v. 7, pp. 649-673.
    3. Chuluunbaatar O. et al. J. Phys. A, 2008, v. 41, pp. 295203-1-25.
    4. Bathe K.J. Finite element procedures in engineering analysis. 
       Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, New York, 1982.
    5. Chuluunbaatar O. et al. Phys. Rev E, 2008, v. 78, pp. 017702-1-4.
    Name: TIME6T
                          ESTITD, ESTITN, ADDVEC, HQPOTN, SGPOTN, BOUNDC,
                          COLMHT, ERRDIM, FEGRID, MAXHT, GAULEG, NODGEN,
                          SHAPEF, MULTC, MULTCC, REDBAC, DECOMC
    External subroutines: POTCAL, POTTIM, DINIT (user-supplied subroutines)



    TITLE  - character symbol, title of the run to be printed on the output
    MDIM   - integer number, number of coupled differential equations.
    IDIM   - integer number, dimension of the envelope space.
    NPOL   - integer number, order of interpolating Lagrange polynomials.
    TMIN   - double precision number, begin of time interval.
    TMAX   - double precision number, end of time interval.
    TAU    - double precision number, time step of time variable t.
    ITORDR - integer number, order of Magnus expansion, 1 , 2 , 3.
    IPRINT - integer number, level of print, 0 , 1 , 2.
    IPRSTP - integer number, step of spatial variable r with which solutions
             are printed out.
    IPRITT - integer number, step of time variable t with which solutions
             are printed out.
    NMESH  - integer number, dimension of array RMESH. NMESH always should be
             odd and > = 3.
    RMESH  - double precision array, array RMESH contains information about
             subdivision of interval [0,r_max] of space variable x on
             subintervals. The whole interval [0,r_max] is divided as
             follows: RMESH(1) = 0, RMESH(NMESH) = r_max, and the values
             of RMESH(I) set the number of elements for each subinterval
             [RMESH(I-1), RMESH(I+1)], where I=2, 4, ... , NMESH-1.
    IBOUND - integer number, parameter defining the type of boundary
             conditions set in the boundary points r = 0 and r = r_max:
             = 1 - the Dirichlet - Dirichlet boundary conditions;
             = 2 - the Dirichlet - Neumann boundary conditions;
             = 3 - the Neumann - Dirichlet boundary conditions;
             = 4 - the Neumann - Neumann boundary conditions.
    FNOUT  - character symbol, name of the output file for printing out
             the results of the calculation.
    IOUT   - integer number, number of the output logical device for printing
             out the results of the calculation.
    POTEN  - character symbol, name of the scratch file for potential matrices.
    IOUP   - integer number, number of the logical device POTEN.
    POTTM  - character symbol, name of the scratch file for potential matrices.
    IOUD   - integer number, number of the logical device POTTM.
    FMATR  - character symbol, name of the scratch file for storing matrices.
    IOUM   - integer number, number of the logical device FMATR.
    EVWFN  - character symbol, name of the output file for storing the results
             of the calculation, namely, finite-element grid points, and
             solutions. It is used only if IOUF > 0.
    IOUF   - integer number, number of the logical device EVWFN.
    TOT    - double precision array, working vector.
    ITOT   - integer array, working vector.
    ZTOT   - double complex array, working vector.
    MTOT   - integer number, dimension of the working array TOT.
    MITOT  - integer number, dimension of the working array ITOT.
    MZTOT  - integer number, dimension of the working array ZTOT.


    NGRID  - integer number, the number of finite-element grid points.
    NN     - integer number, the number of finite-element grid points of solution.
    TT     - double precision number, the value of time variable t.
    TAU    - double precision number, the time step of time variable t.
    XGRID  - double precision array, contains the values of the finite-element
             grid points.
    ZU     - double complex array, contains calculated solution.

    POTCAL is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates
    the potential matrices V and Q.
    POTTIM is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates
    the potential matrices G and Z.
    DINIT is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates
    the initial function.

    1. In subroutine TIME6T 2.0 is used the dynamic distribution storages as 
       one-dimensional arrays TOT, ZTOT, ITOT, RMESH. In test example their
       dimension is set by the values MTOT=2 000 000, MZTOT=1 000 000, 
       MITOT=300 000, NMESH1=5. If user has set insufficient values of dimension
       above arrays the message about an error is printed and the execution of 
       the program is aborted. In the last case, in order to carry out the 
       required calculation it is necessary to increase the dimensions of arrays
       to the quantity taken from the message.
    2. For the accuracy control over the numerical solution by step TAU, the Runge
       coefficient on four twice condensed grids is additionally calculated, using
       the subroutine RUNGE.

    Sources TIME6T 2.0 with example and detailed description (pdf) are submitted.