Part 1 |
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N. A. Chernikov, N. S. Shavokhina
The Energy-Momentum Tensor of Areal Objects in the Riemannian Space-Time
(96 Kb) |
K. Bajan, P. Flin, W. Godlowski, V. N. Pervushin
On the Investigations of Galaxy Redshift Periodicity
(194 Kb) |
G. M. Zinovjev, S. V. Molodtsov
The State of Instanton Liquid at Finite Quark
Temperature and Chemical Potential
(396 Kb) |
O. Î. Voskresenskaya, A. N. Sissakian, A. V. Tarasov, H. T. Torosyan
A Structure for the Amplitude of the
Z1 Z2
Z2 Reaction
beyond the Born Approximation
(121 Kb) |
V. G. Nikolenko, I. S. Okunev,
S. S. Parzhitski, Yu. P. Popov, Yu. M. Chuvilsky
Evaluation of
PT-Violation Effect and Masking Spin-Angle
Correlations which Preserve
T-Invariance in
10B(n, 1
)7Li Reaction
(185 Kb) |
E. G. Ryabov, A. V. Karpov, G. D. Adeev
Analysis of Angular Momentum
Dependence of Fission Fragment Mass-Energy Distribution within Langevin Dynamics
(638 Kb) |
A. G. Donchev,
S. A. Kalachev, N. N. Kolesnikov, V. I. Tarasov
The Upper and Lower Bounds of Energy
for Three, Four- and Five-Particle Nuclear and Coulomb Systems
(338 Kb) |
V. T. Maslyuk,
O. A. Parlag, T. J. Marinetz
Studies of Mass Spectra of Kr and Xe Isotopes at the
Fission of Light Actinides in the Framework of a New Statistical Approach
(315 Kb) |
A. A. Sarkisyan
On the Criteria of the Applicability of
the Single-Particle Transitions in Multi-Particle System
(99 Kb) |
S. O. Krivonos, A. V. Shcherbakov
Hyper-K hler Manifolds and Nonlinear Supermultiplets
(110 Kb) |
P. Zh. Aslanyan,
V. N. Emelyanenko, G. G. Rikhkvitzkaya
and K0s
Production in pC Collisions at 10~GeV/c
(436 Kb) |
N. P. Andreeva, A. Sh. Gaitinov,
I. A. Lebedev, V. I. Skorobogatova, L. N. Philippova, D. B. Shaikhieva
Full Destruction of Light and Heavy Nuclei at Energy 3.7-158 A GeV
(242 Kb) |
Z. K. Silagadze
Finding Two-Dimensional Peaks
(325 Kb) |
L. G. Afanasyev, V. V. Karpukhin,
A. V. Kulikov, V. G. Olchevsky, S. V. Trusov
Control and Monitoring of the Trigger System in the DIRAC Experiment
(422 Kb) |
A. Kulikov, G. Macharashvili
Prospects for Triggering in Experiment PAX at GSI
(497 Kb) |
V. Batusov,
J. Budagov, J. C. Gayde, J. Khubua, C. Lasseur,
M. Lyablin, N. Russakovich, A. Sissakian, N. Topilin
A Study of an Air Medium Influence on the Rectilinearity of Laser Ray
Proliferation towards the Using for Large Distances and High-Precision Metrology
(335 Kb) |
L. N. Zaitsev, S. L. Zaitsev,
A. D. Kovalenko, V. P. Sidorin, E. P. Cherevatenko
Investigation of Photoradiation Resistance
for Polystyrene Scintillators in Vacuum
(142 Kb) |
S. A. Petrochenkov,
A. Polanski, V. N. Shvetsov
Mathematical Investigation of the Possibility of a Power Increase
of the Subcritical Assembly in Dubna (SAD) up to 100 kW
(218 Kb) |
A. B. Aleksandrov, L. A. Goncharova,
D. A. Davydov,
P. A. Publichenko, T. M. Roganova, N. G. Polukhina, E. L. Feinberg
Automatic Methods for Processing Track-Detector Data at
the PAVICOM Facility
(134 Kb) |
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3rd International Workshop
Dubna, June 30 - July 3, 2005
Proceedings of the Workshop
Edited by V.V.Ivanov
T. Radtke, S. Fritzsche, A. Surzhykov
Simulation of n-Qubit Quantum Systems: A Computer-Algebraic Approach
(158 Kb) |
E. Karpov, P. Navez, N. J. Cerf
Cloning the Entanglement of a Pair of d-Dimensional Quantum Systems
(384 Kb) |
Yu. P. Rybakov, T. F. Kamalov
Entangled Solitons and Stochastic Q-bits
(107 Kb) |
H. H. Adamyan, G. Yu. Kryuchkyan
Time-Modulated Entangled States of Light
(146 Kb) |
I. Ghiu
A Generalization of Quantum
Teleportation and Splitting of Entanglement via Local Cloning
(101 Kb) |
V. P. Gerdt, V. M. Severyanov
A C# Package for Assembling Quantum Circuits and
Generating Associated Polynomial Sets
(246 Kb) |
À. Isar
Quantum Decoherence in the Theory of Open Systems
(99 Kb) |
M. I. Gavrilov,
L. V. Gortinskaya, A. A. Pestov, I. Yu. Popov, E. S. Tesovskaya
Quantum Computer Elements Based on Coupled Quantum Waveguides
(130 Kb) |
D. Grigoriev, A. Kazakov, S. Vakulenko
Optical Device Àccelerating Dynamic Ðrogramming
(123 Kb) |
A. A. Suzko
Geometric Phases and Exactly Solvable Time-Dependent Potentials
(95 Kb) |
A. Gusev, V. Gerdt,
M. Kaschiev, V. Rostovtsev, V. Samoylov, T. Tupikova, Y. Uwano, S. Vinitsky
On Symbolic-Numeric Representation
of Evolution Operator for Finite-Dimensional Quantum Systems
(179 Kb) |
M. V. Altaisky,
V. N. Gorbachev, F. Pichierri
Coherent Signal Amplification in Rhodopsin Media
(272 Kb) |
A. Deveikis, A. Kuznecovas
Analytical Scheme Calculations of
Angular Momentum Coupling and Recoupling Coefficients
(109 Kb) |
M. Dob ek
Simulation on Quantum Authentication
(96 Kb) |
Yu. A. Asikritova,
I. D. Balatsky, V. N. Gorbachev
The Logical Gates from Biphotons
(91 Kb) |
H. H. Adamyan,
N. T. Gevorgyan, G. Yu. Kryuchkyan
Signature of Squeezing in Controlled Quantum Systems
(180 Kb) |
E. K. Bashkirov
Superradiance Regime of Laser Cooling in Extended Solids
(164 Kb) |
G. Giorgadze
Gates for Quantum Ñomputing Induced from Ìonodromy Îperators
(95 Kb) |
I. A. Khromova, L. A. Melnikov
Dispersion Ñharacteristics of Íollow-Ñore Ðhotonic Ñrystal Fibers
(856 Kb) |
A. V. Gorokhov
Quantum Systems in Regular and Stochastic Fields.
Creation and Destruction of the Coherence
(187 Kb) |
E. A. Issaeva
Entanglement of the Schr dinger Experiment
(141 Kb) |
V. Sivozhelezov, C. Nicolini
Prospects for Octopus Rhodopsin Utilization in Optical and Quantum Computation
(859 Kb) |
A. V. Chizhov,
A. A. Gusev, L. A. Sevastianov, S. I. Vinitsky
Phase Representation of Quantum-Optical Systems
via Nonnegative Quantum Distribution Function
(129 Kb) |
A. V. Prokhorov,
A. P. Alodjants, A. Yu. Leksin, S. M. Arakelian
Nonlinear Laser Amplifier with Suppressed Level of Quantum Noise on the Basis
of a Bose Condensate for
23Na Atoms
(170 Kb) |
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D. N. Aguilera, D. B. Blaschke
Nonlocality Effects on Spin-One Pairing Patterns in Two-Flavor Color Superconducting Quark Matter and Compact Star Applications (english)
(330 Kb) |
A. E. Dubinov, I. N. Galidakis
Explicit Solution of the Kepler Equation (rus)
(131 Kb) |
A. V. Moiseenko, F. M. Sergeev
Fractal Diffusion Processes in Particle Physics (rus)
(396 Kb) |
H. Grigorian
Parametrization of a Nonlocal Chiral Quark Model in the Instantaneous Three-Flavor Case. Basic Formulas and Tables (english)
(280 Kb) |
A. V. Zayakin
Euler-Heisenberg-Schwinger Lagrangian for Non-Adiabatically Varying Fields (english)
(225 Kb) |
D. J. Cirilo-Lombardo
On the Lorentz Group SO(3,1), Geometrical Supersymmetric Action for Particles and Square Root Operators.
II. Squeezed States and Relativistic Wave Equations (english)
(148 Kb) |
A. Polanski, B. Slowinski, A. Wojciechowski
Evolution of Intranuclear Collisions at Intermediate Energies (english)
(757 Kb) |
I. A. Golutvin, N. V. Gorbunov, V. Yu. Karjavin, V. S. Khabarov, P. V. Moissenz, S. A. Movchan,V. V. Perelygin, S. V. Sergeev, D. A. Smolin, A. V. Zarubin
Study of Anode Self-trigger Ability of ME1/1 CMS Endcap Cathode Strip Chamber (english)
(347 Kb) |
A. S. Artiomov, S. V. Afanasiev, V. S. Alfeev, V. V. Borisov, V. N. Karpinsky, E. A. Matyushevsky, N. I. Tarantin
Scheme and Calculation of Magnetic Analyzer of Electrons for Investigations in Relativistic Atomic Physics on the Nuclotron Internal Targets (rus)
(284 Kb) |
Yu. V. Gurchin, V. A. Krasnov, V. P. Ladygin, Yu. S. Anisimov, A. Yu. Isupov, M. Janek, J.-T. Karachuk, A. N. Khrenov, A. S. Kiselev, V. A. Kizka, J. Kliman, A. N. Livanov, A. I. Malakhov, V. Matousek, M. Morhac, S. G. Reznikov, I. Turzo, T. A. Vasiliev
Target Position Monitor for Internal Target Station at the Nuclotron (english)
(480 Kb) |
D. T. Madigozhin
Implementation of Monte Carlo Technique with Beam-Monitor-Triggered Experimental Events Overlay in the NA48 Experiment (rus)
(449 Kb) |
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E. Tomasi-Gustafsson
On Radiative Corrections for Unpolarized Electron-Proton Elastic Scattering (english)
(249 Kb) |
V. N. Pozdniakov
Two-Photon Interactions at LEP (rus)
(1.208 Mb) |
Yu. P. Gangrsky
Charge Radii of High Spin Isomers by Laser Spectroscopy (rus)
(120 Kb) |
T. G. Dedovich, M. V. Tokarev
Impact of Cone Algorithm Parameters on Efficiency and Characteristics
of the Reconstructed Jets in p-p Collisions at Energy =200 GeV (rus)
(1.5 Mb) |
V. Davkov, K. Davkov, V. V. Myalkovskiy, L. Naumann,
V. D. Peshekhonov, A. A. Savenkov, K. S. Viryasov, I. A. Zhukov
Development of High Granulated Straw Chambers of Large Sizes (english)
(237 Kb) |
A. V. Kopylov, I. V. Orekhov, V. V. Petukhov, A. E. Solomatin
Physical Basis of the Lithium Experiment (rus)
(230 Kb) |
B. V. Florko, V. L. Korogodina
The Analysis of Distributions' Structure on a Sample of One Cytogenetics Task (rus)
(300 Kb) |
R. A. Selwyne, Kh. T. Kholmurodov, N. A. Koltovaya
Homology Modeling of Yeast Cyclin-Dependent Protein Kinase (english)
(370 Kb) |
I. I. Belotelov, A. O. Golunov, I. A. Golutvin, N. V. Gorbunov,
V. Yu. Karjavin, Yu. T. Kiryushin, A. Yu. Kamenev, S. V. Khabarov, V. V. Khabarov,
G. V. Mescheryakov, K. P. Moissenz, P. V. Moissenz, S. A. Movchan, V. V. Palichik,
V. V. Perelygin, S. V. Shmatov, D. A. Smolin, A. V. Zarubin
Electromagnetic Secondaries and Punch-through Effects in the CMS ME1/1 (english)
(900 Kb) |
V. Yu. Alexahin, Y. Bedfer, S. G. Gerassimov, A. Yu. Korzenev
Geometrical Reconstruction of Events in the COMPASS Experiment (rus)
(1.1 Mb) |
Yu. S. Tsyganov
An Extended Real-Time Algorithm for Radical Suppression
of Background Products in Heavy-Ion-Induced Nuclear Reactions (english)
(260 Kb) |
I. P. Yudin, I. G. Voloshina, E. E. Perepelkin, N. S. Rossiyskaya
Numerical Simulation of Distribution of a Field for the Spectrometric Magnet at the Project NIS (rus)
(1.1 Mb) |
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A. P. Bakulev, A. V. Pimikov
Self-consistent Gaussian Model of Nonperturbative QCD Vacuum
(342 Kb) |
V. L. Lyuboshitz, V. V. Lyuboshitz
Strangeness Conservation and Pair Correlations of Neutral Kaons with Close Momenta Produced in Inclusive Multiparticle Processes
(127 Kb) |
V. P. Tsvetkov
Relativistic Effects in the Theory of Gravitating Fast Rotating Superdense Configurations
(106 Kb) |
Tran Duc Thiep, Truong Thi An, Nguyen The Vinh, Phan Viet Cuong,
A. G. Belov, O. D. Maslov, Trinh Thi Thu My
Study on the Isomeric Ratios of (g, p) Photonuclear Reactions
with Isotopes 9240Zr and 18374W in the Giant Dipole Resonance Region
(350 Kb) |
M. V. Tokarev
z-Scaling in Heavy Ion Collisions at the RHIC
(1,3 Mb) |
P. S. Isaev
New Interpretation of the Hubble Law
(135 Kb) |
A. Yu. Kamenev, P. V. Moissenz
Calculation of the Electric Field at the Edge of the Operation Region of the Cathode Strip Chambers of CMS ME1/1 Station
(485 Kb) |
E. A. Goudzovski, D. T. Madigozhin, Yu. K. Potrebenikov
A System of Data Monitoring in a Series of Experiments NA48, NA48/1, and NA48/2
(325 Kb) |
I. A. Kryachko, S. I. Tyutyunnikov, V. N. Shaliapin
Carbonic Gas and Oxygen Concentration Measurements in the Diffusion Respirator on the Track Membranes Basis
(740 Kb) |
Z. Lj. Kovacevic
Local Spin Magnetization around Zn Ion Which Is Doped in the CuO2 Plane
(150 Kb) |
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N. A. Chernikov, N. S. Shavokhina
Areal Objects and the Problem: the l-Term in Gravitation Theory
(106 Êá) |
A. Andonov, A. Arbuzov, S. Bondarenko, P. Christova, V. Kolesnikov, R. Sadykov
Implementation of NLO QCD Corrections into the Framework of Computer System SANC
(430 Êá) |
N. Amelin, P. Filip, R. Lednicky, M. Pachr
Correlator Analysis of Multiparticle Events
(106 Êá) |
A. J. Silenko
Taking into Account the Earth's Rotation in Experiments on Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of Neutron
(94 Êá) |
Kh. M. Beshtoev
Remarks to the Standard Scheme (Theory) of Neutrino Oscillations. Corrected Scheme of Neutrino Oscillations
(128 Êá) |
K. S. Kuzmin, K. S. Lokhtin, S. I. Sinegovsky
Spectra of Energy Losses in Lepton-Nuclear Inelastic Scattering
(1.353 Êá) |
V. Bednyakov, E. Khramov, N. Russakovich, A. Tonoyan
Measurement of the Top Quark Charge at the ATLAS Detector
(236 Êá) |
L. S. Azhgirey, V. P. Ladygin, V. N. Zhmyrov, L. S. Zolin
Proposal of the Experiment on Investigation of the (d,p) Reaction at the Extracted Deuteron Beam of the U-70 Accelerator
(456 Êá) |
Mich. Finger
Spin Observables in np Elastic Interaction in the Energy Range 230-590 MeV. Complete Experiment
(226 Êá) |
S. A. Bunyatov, A. V. Krasnoperov, Yu. A. Nefedov, B. A. Popov, V. V. Terechshenko, N. I. Bozhko,
A. S. Vovenko, V. N. Goryachev, Yu. I. Salomatin, V. À. Senko, A. V. Sidorov
Calibration of Scintillation Counters in the Upgraded Calorimeter of the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector
for Particle Identification by Time-of-Flight Measurements
(2.305 Êá) |
O. V. Belov
Time Dependence of the Inductive Signal of the SOS-System in Bacteria E. coli after Ultraviolet Irradiation
(318 Êá)
Author index (rus) |
Subject index (rus) |