

Pepan Letters
Annual Reports
To Authors
Subject Categories for JINR Publications

P4-2020-40 (360.365)
Efimov A. D., Izosimov I. N.
Description of the States of the Yrast-Band in 156Dy

Based on an extended microscopic version of the IBM1, a description of the properties of the yrast-band states in 156Dy up to spin 18+ is obtained. The series of states of this band, 6+, 8+ и 10+, are populated from 8+ (2.788 MeV) excitation by-turn populated as a result of β+/ЕС-decay from the isomeric state 9+ в 156Ho.

E1-2020-38 (459.324)
Cordun C. M. et al.
The First Cosmic Ray Measurements for Future MCORD Project

Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is the main detector set for the future Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) located in Dubna, Russia. The MPD needs an additional trigger system for off-beam calibration and for rejection of cosmic ray particles (mainly muons) for full functionality. The prototype Cosmic Ray measurement system for MPD detector is under development. It is called the MPD Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD). For calibration results of Extended Cosmic Shower (ECS) simulation we need the real Cosmic Ray (CR) measurement results performed at the NICA location. This paper describes the first CR measurements done with the CosmicWatch simple detectors based on the small 5 ⨯ 5 cm plastic scintillators with silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) photodetectors.

E1-2020-37 (336.473)
Bielewicz M. et al.
The Cosmic Ray Detector for the NICA Collider

Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is the main part of a new Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) located in Dubna. To increase MPD functionality, it was proposed to install an additional muon trigger system for off-beam calibration of the MPD sub-detectors and for rejection of cosmic ray background during experiments. The system could also be very useful for astrophysical observations of cosmic showers initiated by high-energy primary particles. This article describes the main goals of MCORD detector and the early stage of MCORD design, based on plastic scintillators with silicon photomultiplier photodetectors (SiPM) for scintillation readout and electronic system based on MicroTCA standard.

E3-2020-36 (509.849)
Ndlovu N. et al.
Measurements of Cross Sections for High-Energy Neutron-Induced Reactions on Co and Bi

There are few experimental data for neutron cross-section libraries for (n,xn) reactions in various materials for energies above 20 MeV. For high energies (above 20 MeV), these sets of (n,xn) reactions are important for neutron fluence monitoring and spectra unfolding for future generation IV nuclear reactors. There were attempts to measure the cross sections on natural cobalt and bismuth at incident neutron energies of about 90 and 140 MeV. These measurements were made using the quasi-monoenergetic neutron facility at iThemba LABS, South Africa. In addition, using high energy neutrons at the Svedberg Laboratory in Sweden, similar experiments were performed on natural yttrium. The measured cross sections are compared with some of the few available cross-section measurements for neutron-induced reactions at high energies. The data obtained using facilities at both labs required corrections to be made for the contribution of the low-energy tail (continuum) in the incident neutron spectrum in these measurements.

E13-2020-35 (399.280)
Bancer A. et al.
Radiation Monitoring of the Slow Control Electronic Equipment of the NICA-MPD Detector

One of the components of the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) Complex being built at JINR (Dubna) is Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD). Its work is monitored and controlled by the Slow Control system. The electronic equipment of this system is placed in the racks located on the multilevel mechanical support construction. “The prototype dosimetry system to protect NICA Slow Control electronic equipment” project was started to design a prototype dosimetry system for continuous monitoring of the MPD Slow Control electronic devices to protect it against accidental ionizing radiation. The system will be fitted out with alarming features to inform the chosen persons about crossing a safe threshold of the radiation above which the electronics will be possibly destroyed by the irradiation. The article describes the actual state of this system and the plans for its upgrading. Logical structure of the control program and its functionality are shown in detail.

E13-2020-34 (327.926)
Kolasiński P. et al.
Electronic Readout System Designed for MCORD in the NICA Experiments

Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) system is a part of new accelerator complex (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility — NICA) located in Dubna (Russia). To meet all functionalities and requirements of MPD, another trigger system should be designed. That trigger system has two main tasks: first, responsibility for off-beam calibration of MPD subdetectors, and second, identification and rejection of cosmic-ray particles. Additionally, the system can be used to observe cosmic showers initiated by high-energy primary particles. To define in detail requirements of the MPD Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD), the NICA-PL consortium has been formed. Many Polish scientific institutions participate in it. This paper presents an electronic readout system for the MCORD project. It briefly describes the data path of the signals and all signal processing subsystems: scintillators equipped with SiPM detector, Analog Front-End (AFE), HUB, and MTCA processing system.

E1-2020-33 (299.099)
Szuta M. et al.
Average High Energy Neutron Flux Distribution in the Quinta Subcritical Assembly Irradiated with Proton Beam of 0.66-GeV Energy Applying the Actinide Spectral Index Method

To evaluate the high energy neutron flux distribution, twenty three natural uranium samples were spatially arranged in the Quinta subcritical assembly (at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna). The samples were irradiated with spallation neutrons. When the ratio of fission cross section to capture cross section of the natural uranium for the distinct neutron energy from the nuclear data base is equal to the measured ratio of spectral indexes, it enables us to evaluate the average neutron flux distribution in the assembly.

E1-2020-32 (191.893)
Bielewicz M., Kankiewicz P., Chlopik A.
Minimum Resolution of MCORD as a Consequence of Astrophysical Observation Requirements

The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) needs an additional trigger system for off-beam calibration and rejection of cosmic ray particles for full functionality. The prototype cosmic ray measurement system for the MPD detector is under development and is called the MPD Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD). It can detect muons coming from all directions between zenith and horizon, with information about particle direction vector. Theoretically, it is possible to recognize the extragalactic source of a cosmic particle but only in case of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHE CR) connected to Extended Cosmic Showers (ECS). We need to use the optimal MCORD position resolution to identify the possible sources on the celestial sphere.

P3-2020-31 (671.936)
Aksenov V. L., Rzjanin M. V., Shabalin E. P.
JINR Research Reactors: A Look into the Future

The concept of a new pulsed reactor IBR-3 ("Neptun") is presented, which in terms of its parameters is superior to the existing pulsed sources, as well as to those which are being constructed, for research on extracted beams. A scientific program, the implementation of which is difficult or impossible with existing sources, as well as the infrastructure for supporting experiments, is briefly discussed.

E2-2020-24 (700.144)
Zborovský I., Tokarev M.
Self-Similarity, Fractality and Entropy Principle in Collisions of Hadrons and Nuclei at Tevatron, RHIC and LHC

The z-scaling of inclusive spectra as a manifestation of self-similarity and fractality of hadron interactions is illustrated. The scaling for negative particle production in Au+Au collisions from BES-I program at RHIC is demonstrated. The scaling function ψ(z) as a function of self-similar variable z depends on the model parameters — the fractal dimensions and "specific heat", and reveals energy, multiplicity, and flavor independence. Based on the maximum entropy principle and z-scaling, energy loss as a function of the collision energy, centrality, and transverse momentum of inclusive particle is estimated. New conservation law including fractal dimensions and momentum fractions is found. Quantization of fractal dimensions is discussed.

P9-2020-22 (2.121.268)
Budagov Yu. A.
The Cooperation of JINR with the Scientific Organizations of the Republic of Belarus in the Area of the Superconducting Accelerator Resonators

The Collaboration of Scientists and Specialists of the Republic of Belarus from the INP and NC HEP (later merged with INP BSU) оf the BSU, BSUIR, PhTI and SSPA NASB together with physicists of JINR developed, manufactured and tested at liquid helium temperature of 4.2 K three prototypes of an elliptical superconducting niobium cavity at 1.3 GHz frequency for electron and positron accelerators. The work was initiated by the International Linear Collider (ILC) project. For the first time in Belarus, the superconducting mode of operation of the cavity has been achieved, and the maximum value of the loaded Q-factor of the resonator, equal to 2,8101 · 109, has been obtained with absolute matching of the cavity with the RF-path at SWR = 1.0000.

P2-2020-18 (423.909)
Shindin R. A. et al.
Charge-Exchange Quasi-Elastic Process nd → p(nn) at an Angle of 0° in the Framework of Elastic np → np Scattering through an Angle of 180°

The problem of spin physics related to the difference of representations of the elastic interaction between the neutron and the proton is considered. In the first case, the charge-exchange np → pn reaction at the angle θ is supposed, in the second – the simple elastic scattering of np → np, when the neutron is going in the opposite direction π – θ. The transition from one representation to another is provided by the Majorana operator. In the framework of impulse approximation, the quasi-elastic charge-exchange reaction of a neutron on a deuteron is calculated twice. In the framework of nd → p(nn) scattering of proton through the angle θ, the well-known Dean formula is given. Using the other representation nd → (nn)p as a neutron elastic scattering at the angle π – θ (together with neutron-spectator in nn-pair), the alternative formula is presented.

P9-2020-17 (381.476)
Karamyshev O. V. et al.
Research and Development of the Superconducting Cyclotron SC230 for Proton Therapy

The conceptual design of a compact superconducting cyclotron accelerating the beam of protons to 230 MeV dedicated for proton therapy and medico-biological research is presented.
SC230 is an isochronous four-sector compact cyclotron with a magnetic field in the center of 1.7 T. Superconducting coils will be enclosed in a cryostat, all other parts of the cyclotron are «warm». Acceleration is performed at the fourth harmonic mode of the accelerating radio-frequency system consisting of four resonators located in the cyclotron valleys. The accelerator will use an internal Penning type source with a hot cathode. Extraction is carried out by an electrostatic deflector located in the gap between sectors and two passive magnetic channels.

P10-2020-15 (1.411.432)
Dedovich T. G., Tokarev M. V.
Criteria for Reconstruction of Fractals and Suppression of Background Events by SePaC Method

Fractals and different background states (mixed, random, distributed by Gauss, power and exponent laws) are analyzed by SePaC method aimed at search for and reconstruction of fractal structures. It is shown that part of background events is reconstructed as fractals. Distributions of different events by the fractal dimension is studied. It is found that these distributions for fractals and background events are different. Some characteristics describing features of fractal structures are presented and their comparison for fractals and background events is performed. Criteria for background suppression are suggested and analysis results are presented. It is shown that application of the criteria separately changes the background event distribution by the fractal dimension and their combination results in noticeable background suppression.

P13-2020-14 (1.421.378)
Pepelyshev Yu. N. et al.
The Concept of a Fast Pulsed Reactor IBR-4

The high-flow pulse reactor operating in the Laboratory of Neutron Physics IBR-2М with a neutron flux density of ∼ 1013 cm-2 · s-1 by the end of the 2030s will be exhausted and will be stopped. The main drawback is the need to undertake significant development work with significant financial costs and difficulty to predict final results. As an alternative to the above-mentioned proposals, the concept of a neutron source is given in the work, the essence of which is that the source should be feasible, reliable and safe with minimal development and financial costs. These conditions involve the full use of technical solutions already ready and tested at other nuclear facilities. As a basis for further consideration, a brief conceptual description of such a source, a pulse reactor of periodic action IBR-4, is provided.

P3-2020-13 (177.634)
Shabalin E. P., Rzyanin M. V.
Analysis of the Pulsed Fast Reactor “Neptun” Dynamics: Comparison of Calculation Models

Generation of a power pulse in periodically pulsed reactor is considered with account for fast reactivity feedback. The calculation method includes coupled neutronic-thermoelastic equations based on one-point kinetics of the reactor and on two models of elastic behavior of reactor fuel rods: approximation of a reactor core as one-dimensional oscillator and, more realistically, accounting for elastic waves propagation through a single rod. It is shown that reasonably chosen parameters of the oscillator model gives results close to that of the wave model.

P16-2020-12 (124.008)
Krylov V. A., Pavlik E. E., Timoshenko G. N.
Calibration of the Neutron Multisphere Spectrometer in Open Geometry

The procedure for calibrating the neutron multisphere spectrometer with a 252Cf source in open geometry is described, and a calibration coefficient averaged over six spheres is obtained. The results are confirmed with unfolding the initial 252Cf spectrum by the spectrometer readings.

P18-2020-7 (960.632)
Gustova M. V. et al.
Determination of Microelements and Radionuclides in Mushrooms from Different Regions of Russia

The analysis of the elemental composition of wild mushrooms that had been collected in the territory near different cities in Russia was carried out. Analytical determinations of 27 chemical elements and individual radionuclides (328U, 137Cs, etc.) were performed using nuclear-physical methods of analysis: X-ray fluorescence, gamma activation, gamma spectrometric and track. The dependences of the content of elements and radionuclides on the kind of the mushroom were revealed. The difference in the index accumulation of elements in the mushrooms of various ecological groups was shown. The kinetics of the 137Cs desorption from different parts of the mushrooms body into the water phase was investigated. The assumption about the possibility of the cosmic dust being on the surface of the mushrooms was made.

P13-2020-6 (833.968)
Pepelyshev Yu. N., Popov A. K., Sumkhuu D., Rogov A. D.
On the Limits of Oscillatory Instability of Pulsed Reactors of Periodic Operation

On the basis of experimental and model researches carried out at the IBR-2 and IBR-2M reactors, it has been shown that pulsed reactors of periodic operation (PRPO) have fundamental limitations on stability. At the same time degradation changes in the core of the PRPO lead to a strong weakening of the fast power feedback, which causes the appearance of oscillatory instability. For safety purposes, the PRPO power even for fresh fuel is limited to 2—3 MW. There is also a strong instability of fast power feedback parameters with energy production, which leads to corresponding changes in the dynamics of the pulsed reactor. Comprehensive research to ensure safe operation of the IBR-2M is required.

2020-2 (1.706.780)
Brief Review of Topmost Scientific Results Obtained in 2019 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

P5-2020-1 (1.547.748)
Dikusar N. D.
A Three-Point Grid Based Polynomial Prediction

Within the framework of the recently proposed basic element method (BEM), a new approach is made to the solution of the problem of polynomial prediction and extrapolation of the sixth order for smooth functions. The one step forward forecast is performed using two fifth degree polynomials. The formulae for the coefficients of BEM-polynomials depend on the grid step, the values of the function and its first derivative at the nodes of two three-point grids. The method was tested on the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for ODE. The efficiency of numerical integration is ensured by a threefold calculation of the right side of the equation and the O(h5) accuracy of the solution. The BEM-prediction can serve as the core for the development and creation of effective algorithms for numerically solving Cauchy problems for ODEs, including stiff ones.
