Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 14 (4662)
dated April 13, 2023:


In memory of the great musician

On 7 April, the opening of the All-Russian Violin and Cello Competition named after Irina Oganesyan was held at the JINR Scientists' Club. Laureates of the previous years performed at the opening ceremony.

Opening the concert, Director of the Dubna Music School T.N.Dementieva reminded the guests that the competition was organized in memory of the great musician and talented teacher, Honored Worker of Culture of the Moscow Region, Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory Irina Oganesyan. For 50 years of pedagogical activity, she taught many young musicians, among whom T.N.Dementieva herself was. The competition has been held since 2010 with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Moscow Region. Over the years it has grown from interregional to All-Russian Competition. The highest level of jury members imposes serious requirements on the participants of the competition. Over the years, more than 500 participants from Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as from Tver, Kazan, Novgorod, Ufa and other cities have participated in the competition. On the initiative of the Director of the Dubna Symphony Orchestra N.A.Kastro, the best participants are awarded a certificate for performing with DSO and special thanks to Yu.Ts.Oganessian for supporting the competition.

Mayor of Dubna Sergey Kulikov considered this competition very important for Dubna: it is a kind of cultural code of the city, it is important that this tradition has been supported for more than 10 years. "Real little stars come here and it is important that they go on building their professional careers to become big stars. Special thanks to Yuri Tsolakovich for the fund you have established. These children will remember our city with gratitude." And Chairman of the Council of Deputies A.V.Tamonov expressed his deep gratitude to the members of the jury of the competition, headed by Chairman of the jury for violin Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory E.D.Grach and Chairman of the jury for cello Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory A.A.Spiridonov. In response, E.D.Grach said: "I am happy to be here, in this wonderful city, at the competition that has resumed after a break. God willing, this competition will live on for a long, long time.

The compositions by F.Geminiani, S.Rachmaninoff, P.Sarasate, F.Mendelssohn, H.Wieniawski, P.Wladigerow, M.Ravel were performed with virtuosity and emotion by the winners of the competition and Grand Prix of previous years during the concert.

At the end of the concert, Yu.Ts.Oganessian said, "Thank you to our wonderful performers! Quite young people, but such skill! Eduard Davydovich, I heartly congratulate you with such talented students!"

photo by Elena PUZYNINA

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