Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 21 (4669)
dated June 8, 2023:

Our vernissage

For citizens and guests of the science city

The grand opening of the photo exhibition featuring works by Mark Kozhura took place on 3 June on the Mendeleev embankment in Dubna.

JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov, Acting Head of the Dubna City District Maxim Tikhomirov, Teleset Director Ilya Prokh, and archpriest of the Dubna-Taldom Church District Pavel Murzich took part in the event. The exhibition is a joint project of JINR and the Teleset company with the support of the Dubna administration. As part of the opening, an audio guide to the institute part of the city was presented.

Acting Head of the Dubna City District Maxim Tikhomirov opened the event. “We should remember that, first of all, there are people behind the big physical facilities, behind science, – people who have achieved world results and world recognition today,” he said in his welcoming speech.

“Many of us at JINR work on a territory with a pass control, and not all of our relatives and friends have the opportunity to look behind the veil of scientific mystery that is available to the Institute’s employees every day. Therefore, the main goal of this exhibition is to tell our relatives, friends, and guests of the city how beautiful the science we do”, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov noted in his speech.

The photographs taken by industrial photographer Mark Kozhura depict not only JINR scientists at their work, scientific facilities and devices, but also the laboratories and scientific buildings located in the closed territory of the Joint Institute.

In addition to visiting the exhibition, guests of the event had an opportunity to be the first sightseers accompanied by an audio guide to the institute part of Dubna, prepared by Evgeny Eliseev and Daniil Kurnikov together with the Teleset company. As the authors of the project noted, a walk around the city with this audio guide takes about an hour and a half.

The photo exhibition on the embankment of Dubna is available to everyone interested until 28 July.

Based on the materials from open sources

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