Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 4 (4652)
dated February 2, 2023:

The legendary performance "Bestoloch"

A few days left before
the tour of the performance "Bestoloch" in Dubna

On 16 February, at 7.00 PM, a performance will be shown in the Cultural Centre "Mir" that is always and everywhere sold out!

The performance is based on the play by the modern French playwright Marc Camoletti and is entirely written based on the laws of classical situation comedy, so it certainly contains tangled intrigue, various misunderstandings and an unexpected ending. The production was staged by the well-known director of the Lenkom Theater Roman Samgin, a student of Mark Zakharov.

Today, we will talk about the performance with the performers of the main roles - People's Artist of Russia Andrey Ilyin and Honored Artist of Russia Olesya Zheleznyak.

Like any situation comedy, the performance "Bestoloch" is notable for its quick pace and all possible intriguing moments. Everything is dynamic. What makes this production interesting to you personally?

A.I. It's a really very funny performance. It is a very good play, partly self-acting, a situation comedy. But any comedy play can be ruined in the bud, a performance can be made in such a way that it will simply not be funny. We have a very funny one! Due to the actors, director, design, costumes - everything has somehow come together, everything that is necessary for a successful performance. We have been playing it for many years (the premiere was in 2004 - ed. note) and it has always been sold out, to full houses, this performance has its own audience and its fame becomes greater. What has attracted me to this role? The fact that it is so vivid, so character-driven and comedic. You know, sometimes, there is enough drama in our lives, as well as dramatic and tragic roles and at the moment when this play came into my hands, it lacked a bright, playful moment.

O.Zh. I love that the play includes so many funny situations. And one quickly succeeds the other. On stage, time is so compressed and concentrated that if things are not fast-paced here, the audience will fall asleep. That's why, we try to get ahead of the audience, although it doesn't always work out, it happens that we settle down on the stage and we might miss a split second. But if the pace is fast and the audience feels like it is following us and not us following it, then this is very good.

Indeed, there are so many sudden plot twists and turns in the play that the audience is left guessing until the very end, not knowing what this story will lead to. In your opinion, what is the specific nature and main interest of creating a completely unexpected denouement?

A.I. There is certainly an intrigue, this play has it all! Of course, this is not a detective story, but there is intrigue all the time. And it holds the attention of the audience and does not let go until the very last minute. And most importantly, there is not even Homeric laughter of the audience, but a groan...

I have no doubt that you enjoy playing the role yourself! I can see that!

O.Zh. I do! I am happy to play this role, I love this performance very much, I love to play it with my partners - Yulia Menshova, Andrey Ilyin, Andrey Noskov, Lena Galibina ... We have such a good company and a suitable play, everything has come together miraculously! The performance is already eight years old and we play it with such taste, as if there just has been the premiere.

A.I. You know, both the audience and also ourselves are always in a good mood after the performance, although we sometimes feel a little tired, but it is grateful tiredness, pleasant negativity and exhaustion in the body and a feeling of something good, significant and necessary.

Undoubtedly, your ensemble of actors creates a great mood for the audience. Full house at "Bestoloch" is well-deserved!!! I have heard that a lot of people come to this comedy for the second time...

A.I. Yes!!! Theatre goers come to get distracted from the problems at work, at home. They come to relax and receive positive, bright and vivid emotions.

O.Zh. I hope, there would always be full houses! If people are happy, we are happy, too. It's good when they laugh! In general, I try not to be a full-length comedy actress, I play different roles in my theater - in Lenkom. And here in the play "Bestoloch", the role is really comedic and it is very close to me. It's great that I get roles like that. I thank my parents for giving me this opportunity to give people joy. And it is the merit of both the director casting me in this role and the partners who we create the performance with, and the audience who loves our performance. It's such a mutual story. And it is so important that the performance also gets into the mood, because a lot depends on the material.

You feel some special single breath with the audience, a mutual exchange of joyful emotions, for which, in principle, everyone in the theater has gathered... We are very happy that the next and long-awaited meeting of the Dubna audience with you will take place very soon!

O.Zh. Yes, it's very nice to feel that. I invite everyone from Dubna to our performance, you will like it, we always try to give our audience the most joyful mood!

A.I. We're recharged with positive energy, too! And we all look forward to meeting your audience!

Interviewed by Eleonora YAMALEEVA,
photo from the website of the Art-Partner XXI Theater Agency

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