Number 46 (4694) dated December 7, 2023:
New era of JINR development
On 28-30 November, the 11th collaboration meeting of the BM@N experiment at the NICA accelerator complex was held at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics.
At the opening, JINR Vice-Director Vladimir Kekelidze noted: "The scientific physics programme at NICA has been successfully launched thanks to the work of the BM@N collaboration that has completed a successful session and has accumulated more than half a billion events. At the last session of the CP, a new Seven-Year Plan of Development for JINR in 2024-2030 was approved. An important part of the plan is the development programme for the NICA project and in particular, the BM@N experiment and we hope to achieve our goals. This is a new era in the development of JINR."
Head of the collaboration Mikhail Kapishin made a report on the plans and results achieved since the previous meeting. The BM@N collaboration currently includes 13 institutes and 206 participants from five countries. Deputy Head of the Department of the Multipurpose Detector of VBLHEP Semen Piyadin spoke about the installation of BM@N detectors and their modernization. Chief engineer of the NICA complex Evgeny Syresin reported on the status of the project.