Number 49-50 (4697-4698) dated December 28, 2023:
Youth and science
The results of the competition for A.M.Baldin, V.I.Veksler and M.A.Markov Scholarships in 2023
The VBLHEP Council of Young Scientists and Specialists summed up the results of the competition for A.M.Baldin, V.I.Veksler and M.A.Markov Scholarships in 2023.
A.M.BALDIN Scholarship:
B.V.Luong, junior researcher -
"Investigation of femtoscopic correlations of identical pions and anisotropic collective fluxes in Au+Au collisions at energies √sNN = 3.2-11.5 GeV/nucleon" (basic)
V.V.Ustinov, junior researcher -
"Modernization of the SCAN-3 hybrid magnetic spectrometer at the Nuclotron" (basic)
A.Yu.Kraeva, engineer -
"Bose-Einstein correlations of charged pions in collisions of gold nuclei at √sNN = 3 GeV in the STAR experiment" (encouraging)
V.I.VEKSLER Scholarship:
A.A.Volodin, Head of the group -
"Development of hardware solutions to improve capture using RF systems of the booster and Nuclotron" (basic)
D.S.Korovkin, senior engineer -
"Diagnostic systems for circulating booster and Nuclotron beams based on microchannel plates" (basic)
S.G.Buzin, engineer -
"Measurement and control of the luminosity of the NICA collider" (encouraging)
M.A.MARKOV Scholarship:
V.A.Kireev, researcher -
"Dynamics of (hyper)nuclei in collisions of heavy ions" (basic)
A.D.Sheremetiev, junior researcher -
"Development of techniques for manufacturing modules of wide-aperture silicon tracking systems for basic facilities of the NICA mega-project" (basic)
V.V.Bleko, Head of the sector -
"Emission of relativistic charged particles from dielectric and conducting targets" (encouraging)