Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 20 (4718)
dated May 23, 2024:

Institute day by day

Veterans celebrated the holiday

An evening dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held at the JINR Scientists' Club. It was held by the JINR Veterans' Council.

Head of the Dubna city district Maxim Tikhomirov, Chief Engineer of JINR Boris Gikal, Chairman of JTUC at JINR, Deputy of the city Council of Deputies Valery Nikolaev, Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Dubna city district Egor Uglov, Deputy of the city Council of Deputies Andrey Tamonov, Chairman of the City Council of Veterans Natalya Shuvikova took part in the event. They warmly congratulated the veterans of the Institute on the bright Victory Day, expressed gratitude for their active engagement in the development and prosperity of the Institute and wished them good health and success in educating the younger generation.

At the evening, awarding of the activists of the Veterans' Council was held. Certificate of Honor from Head of the Dubna city district was awarded to V.N.Balandina. Certificates from the City Council of Veterans were awarded to G.S.Azarova and L.N.Karpukhina.

On behalf of the Council of Veterans, Chairman of the Council S.A.Elizarova, the members of the Council V.A.Nikitin and V.B.Trofimov warmly thanked Directorate of the Institute and the city for their care and attention, for the support of the older generation.

The participants of the evening warmly welcomed the performances of the young choristers of the Children's Art School "Rhapsody" - the boys' ensemble "Sokolyata" (Director E.V.Bektimiova) and the girls' ensemble "Antares" (Director M.V.Kolgina, accompanist N.Yu.Staltsova) that performed songs dear to veterans about the great feat of the people.


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