Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 9 (4707)
dated March 7, 2024:

From holiday mail

Ode to the women of MLIT

Spring comes and nature comes to life and we congratulate lovely women on 8 March. For us, this is the best day of the year!

When I started working at LCTA, it was the most "female" laboratory in the Institute and in V.P.Shirikov's department, there were 15 male system programmers and 75 females (basic computer operators, data preparation group, mathematicians). It's not at all like in the song, "according to statistics, there are 9 boys for 10 girls." The role of women in LCTA was very significant, as they headed many areas of the laboratory's activities (R.N.Fedorova, G.N.Tentyukova, L.S.Nefedeva, L.S.Pervushova) and made a great contribution to meeting all the tasks of LCTA. In V.P.Shirikov's department, the most important holiday for men was 8 March, for which we had been preparing for months. We wrote poems for every woman (75!) and fought to get flowers from Moscow stores (sometimes we flew to Crimea for flowers).

Much has changed since then; there are more men than women in our laboratory, but the role of women in the activities and successes of MLIT is still significant. Our lovely ladies not only make a significant contribution to all areas of activity (from scientific to administrative), but also create a comfortable, spiritual atmosphere that stimulates us all to meet new ambitious tasks. Our women extensively participate in the implementation of the MLIT development programme, heading scientific areas. T.A.Strizh has been at the centre of strategy development and implementation of all laboratory tasks for more than 30 years in various positions (scientific secretary, deputy director, deputy scientific leader). Her dedication to the interests of the laboratory and the Institute, her activity and constructiveness in addressing numerous tasks, the constant search for new ideas, defending the interests of the laboratory (I will not keep silent here) and the desire to help everyone have gained high authority and respect from her colleagues. She is rightly called the soul of our laboratory.

We are proud of our wonderful Scientific Secretary O.Yu.Derenovskaya that surprises everyone with her ability to carry out numerous tasks promptly, creatively and at the highest level. She combines many talents and is always polite and friendly. E.V.Zemlyanaya is the head of the scientific project and the sector, gives lectures at the university, helps everyone in preparing dissertations, performing the complex functions of the scientific secretary of the dissertation council of MLIT. O.I.Streltsova extensively works in many areas, heading the team of the Govorun supercomputer, organizing work on joint projects with physicists, biologists and doctors, giving lectures, supervising undergraduate and graduate students, organizing meetings, conferences and schools. I.A.Filozova heads a team that widely participates in the development of the information system of publications within the JINR digital ecosystem, gives lectures at the university and prepares documents for the master's programme of the Moscow State University branch in Dubna. Our glorious economists O.Yu.Rumyantseva and D.B.Stankus do a huge amount of work on finance. The most difficult personnel work is carried out by the invariably friendly G.S.Lomachenkova and O.V.Maksimova. For many years, our assistants T.I.Katraseva, E.M.Rudneva, N.I.Beresneva, M.N.Chashchina have played an invaluable role in the effective work of MLIT Directorate. Our young employees T.I.Zaikina, D.I.Pryakhina, E.M.Mazhitova, D.B.Stankus widely participate in organizing conferences, meetings, student schools and other events; they are assisted by graduate students that take up the baton of glorious traditions.

I would like to say a lot of kind words about our employees that are not only excellent professionals, but also real ladies, true beauties and wise women. We wish you to be sincerely loved, unique in your own way, certainly smart and as successful as possible. Let your mood bloom and your smile shine like the sun! I wish you health, prosperity and miracles in life!

V.V. Korenkov, MLIT Scientific Leader

Dear women!

Directorate of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics and its entire male staff sincerely congratulate you on the wonderful spring holiday - International Women's Day on 8 March!

Women's struggle for equality in all areas of public activity has resulted in that women play an increasingly important role in many of these areas, not least in the field of science. Today, life does not seem possible without the active and fruitful work of the fair half, whose support and love inspire creativity, give strength and contribute to success.

Along with men, women make a significant contribution to the development of our Institute. At FLNP, women traditionally widely participate in both scientific, organizational and administrative activities. They carry out complex experiments, process data, write dissertations and scientific articles, speak at seminars and conferences, participate in the development of new facilities, develop computer programmes and even control the reactor. It is women that create coziness and warmth in the workplace. It has long been noted that if there are women in the staff, then labor productivity increases. And the presence of women in heading positions gives an additional incentive to the work of a mostly male staff.

I would especially like to highlight the very successfully working team of the Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research, more than half consisting of representatives of the fair half of humanity. The ideological inspirer and permanent leader of the sector for a long time has been Marina Frontasyeva, an excellent scientist and talented organizer. Today, the sector is headed by Inga Zinkovskaya, that has recently defended her doctoral dissertation. Recently, special attention has been paid to applied research at JINR and in our country as a whole. Women make a very significant contribution to this research area.

Dear women! You are amazing and smart, charming and inventive, full of mysteries and charm, inspiring men to exploits and discoveries. It is impossible to overestimate your contribution to the development of science and high technology in our country and in the world as a whole. On this holiday, we sincerely wish with all our hearts that your life will be full of bright colors, unforgettable meetings and of course, love! Let spring reign in your soul! Be happy, successful and loved!

Dedicated to the women's staff of LRB!

Our dear women! On this wonderful day, we heartily congratulate you on your holiday! This day is the beginning of spring, the awakening of nature and the beginning of new hopes for a brighter future! We men really love your bright faces that give us smiles and the goodness of your souls. In our laboratory you are a source of inspiration, new bright ideas and outstanding results.

Women radiobiologists are real heroines that boldly explore the mysterious world of living organisms, expand the horizons of scientific knowledge and make a significant contribution to the development of biological science, medicine, ecology and other fields of knowledge. Your tenacity, talent and dedication to science are a source of admiration and inspiration for all of us. With your work you prove that representatives of the fair sex are capable of achieving any heights, overcoming many obstacles on the thorny path of knowledge.

We wish you further success in your scientific activities and of course, happiness, love, beauty!

In all your plans and ideas, we are ready to offer you our strong male hands to help you.

Happy holiday, dear women! May your achievements always delight and inspire us to new discoveries and achievements!

With respect and warm wishes,
Male staff of the Laboratory of Radiation Biology

Your work is invaluable!

Employees of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics today implement the most ambitious megascience project since the synchrophasotron - the development of a complex of superconducting rings using colliding beams of heavy ions NICA. The timely launch of the collider in 2025 will be the result of the combined efforts of many people involved in the project. Almost a third of the laboratory staff are women. Without you - nothing is possible!

We meet you on our way to work, the keepers of cleanliness and order. Thank you for your work, for the coziness and comfort that you create in your workplace. I wish you good health, joy and success in everything you do. Let attention and care be with you not only on this wonderful holiday, but also on any other day of the year!

Our excellent economists, clerks, personnel specialists, secretarial assistants - all those whose professionalism, hard work and ability to find optimal solutions make the world around more predictable - new successes, financial stability, creative ideas, good health to you! May you be surrounded by respect and gratitude!

The contribution of women engineers to the development of infrastructure and basic facilities of VBLHEP is invaluable. By demonstrating creativity and the ability to meet complex issues, you inspire everyone around you. We wish you new bright projects, professional growth, creative success and satisfaction from your achievements!

Our women scientists' passion for new discoveries, intelligence and tenacity in the search for the fundamental laws of nature have been recognized and admired in the scientific community, including major international collaborations. We wish you great success in your exciting research, major discoveries and constant inspiration! May your voice be heard brightly in the world of science and may your work be recognized and appreciated!

Happy holiday, dear women! May this day be filled with joy, love and attention! Let the love and support of your family surround you, make you happy and contribute to new achievements! Thank you for being!

From the part of male staff of VBLHEP Alexander CHEPLAKOV

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