Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 12 (4609)
dated March 31, 2022:

JINR establishes cooperation
with Polytechnic University in Novocherkassk

On 22 March 2022, a delegation of Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (SRSPU, Rostov region, Novocherkassk) headed by Rector Yuri Razorenov visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The parties discussed possibilities for cooperation in the fields of scientific and technical developments, education, as well as agreed to draft a basic cooperation agreement.

At a meeting with JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov, a wide range of applied tasks solved at the SRSPU was presented. The parties outlined promising fields for cooperation on a number of university's developments. One of them may be such a field of the University's expertise as the development of high-voltage power sources and magnetic systems. "These tasks are in demand at the Institute. We could organise joint projects or laboratories," JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov said. SRSPU Rector Yuri Razorenov in his turn noted, "The scale and the volume of scientific work at the Institute impress. We have learned a lot of interesting things for us."

JINR and the South-Russian University discussed in detail the educational component of the cooperation. The idea was proposed to invite SRSPU students to the Joint Institute for pre-graduate practice. Representatives of the University highlighted that about 700 foreign students study at the educational institution , including from Vietnam and Egypt, JINR Member States, as well as the RSA, a JINR Associate Member. They can also come to the Institute for practice. Such visits may allow students to learn about the advanced scientific infrastructure of the Institute, establish contacts with scientists from their native countries through JINR. Moreover, the format of JINR Information Centres was presented at the event.

A wide network of JINR contacts with partner organisations both in Russia and abroad was highlighted. Thus, the Joint Institute is ready to be a platform for establishing cooperation between SRSPU and the Special Economic Zone "Dubna".

The parties agreed to draft a basic cooperation agreement. As one of the first practical steps towards it was the invitation extended to representatives of the Joint Institute to visit the University in Novocherkassk in the near future.

The programme of the visit included excursions to JINR laboratories. Guests learned about the NICA megascience project and the factory of superconducting magnets, as well as visited the Superheavy Element Factory at FLNR. SRSPU representatives were also shown around MLIT and the JINR University Centre.


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