Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 17 (4614)
dated May 12, 2022:


Premiere concert "Choral World"

On 19 May at 7:00 PM on the big stage of the JINR Cultural Centre "Mir" a concert will take place, uniting all the choirs that are employed at the Cultural Centre. Chamber Choir "Credo" (directed by Irina Kachkalova), the vocal ensemble "Metelitsa" (directed by Vladimir Nemtsev), Choir Capella "Belcanto", Children's Choir "Snowdrop", "Chorus of youth and students of Dubna" (directed by Elena Hrytankova), as well as the ensemble of soloists of Choir Capella "Belcanto" conducted by Igor Yarovoy will exhibit exquisite proficiency in music. The concert director is Yuliana Kukarnikova. On the eve of the concert, we talked about choral art with the directors of choral groups.

What is choral art for you personally?

Irina Kachkalova: Chamber Choir "Credo" is a laureate of regional all-Russian and international competitions and festivals. This is a team of like-minded people with their own traditions. For us, choral singing is an integral part of life. This year we are 39 years old. Any orchestral score is a penetration into another era, into another style. It's like a breath of fresh air. It gives a charge of positive emotions, takes you to another reality, which is called oeuvre! Even if there are some troubles, you will sing and it seems that you are inspired and everything is not so bad. This is a way of escaping.

Vladimir Nemtsev: For me personally, choral art is the most organic art for a person. After all, it is based on singing. And singing is like breathing, without which life is impossible. Inhalation and sounding exhalation. The vibration of ligaments under the stream of exhaled air creates a phenomenon that we call singing. Well, the joint singing of a group of people can create a unique beauty of sound. And it's wonderful! And it's forever!

Elena Hrytankova: The human voice is the most versatile musical instrument that nature has endowed us with. A choir is a collection of natural instruments. And if you achieve harmony and do not lose inspiration, the singing of the choir will touch the strings of every soul: both the singer and the listener. No wonder, for centuries significant events (both joyful and sad) have been most often accompanied by choral singing. In addition, the choir is a big family.

What has your choral group worked on during this creative period and what will you propose to your listeners on 19 May?

Irina Kachkalova: Our repertoire includes musical compositions without piano accompaniment, which is very difficult. This year we worked on new compositions, but did not forget the old ones. We were preparing for a solo concert that took place in April.

Vladimir Nemtsev: The genre in which the vocal ensemble "Metelitsa" sings belongs to the city song. But different songs adjoin this genre, sometimes not about city life but, for example, about rural, countryside life. And that's okay. This year we tried to bring back to the stage songs that were composed decades ago and, at first sight, have lost their relevance up to present day. However, the value of these songs is not in the relevance, but in the artistic content. Melodism, phrasing and deep national roots allow them to be popular. This is what we want to show at our concert on 19 May, where there will be three medleys of various songs. A medley on the themes of songs of the Great Patriotic War is of a particular importance. This is a tribute to the soldiers who freed the whole world from the brown plague. We will never forget this.

Elena Hrytankova: Chorus of Youth and Students, together with Belcanto, will perform compositions by Franz Schubert (in his anniversary year - 225 years since his birth), Sergey Rachmaninoff (next year will be 150 years since his birth). The Children's Chorus is preparing to celebrate its 50th anniversary. We invite the audience to our premiere concert "Choral World" that will become a kind of common reporting concert for all the choirs of the Cultural Centre "Mir".


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