Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 18 (4666)
dated May 18, 2023:

On guard of health

On 25-26 May, the country's leading experts in the field of healthcare will meet in Dubna to discuss topical issues of maintaining the health of the working-age population within the framework of the visiting board of the FMBA of Russia "Industrial Medicine - the basis of longevity at work."

During the event, a scientific and practical conference will be held, round tables on the topics of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of occupational diseases, modern approaches to medical rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment, innovative Russian developments of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, as well as the implementation of digital technologies in medical processes will be organized. Representatives of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Special Economic Zone "Dubna" of the Dubna Technological Innovation Type, chief freelance specialists and heads of medical organizations of the FMBA of Russia will take part in the programme of the visiting board.

The opening ceremony of the vascular centre on the basis of the Medical Unit No.9 of the FMBA of Russia, equipped with modern medical equipment, including an angiograph, will be held. It will be an important event for the citizens of Dubna - today, patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases can receive emergency and planned highly qualified specialized medical care.

For residents of the Special Economic Zone "Dubna" the FMBA of Russia opens a Digital Health Centre, where various types of medical examinations and research will be implemented, including a psychophysiological examination using a specialized local hardware and software complex developed as part of import substitution. Additionally, it is possible to carry out a telemedicine consultation "doctor-patient" with highly specialized doctors. All data about the implemented investigations will be sent to the innovative Centre for Industrial Medicine of the Medical and Sanitary Unit No.9 of the FMBA of Russia. The work of the "Digital Health Centre" will qualitatively affect the preservation of the health of employees of the Special Economic Zone.

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