Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 25 (4673)
dated July 6, 2023:

Learning with passion

Graduation of lyceum students of Yandex

The Yandex Academy Lyceum was launched in the summer of 2019 on the basis of Lyceum No.6 named after Academician G.N.Flerov with the increased support of JINR.

The lyceum programme was developed by the independent non-profit organization of additional professional education "School of data analysis" (Yandex Group of Companies), is designed for two academic years and is aimed at students in grades 8-10 that want to master modern programming and development skills. Tuition is free for students. Groups are recruited based on the results of an open competition, in which students from all schools in Dubna can take part.

This year, the third graduation took place: 43 students completed the full course of study. Director of the JINR University Centre D.V.Kamanin came to our graduation ceremony and awarding of certificates. The UC has been our assistant and curator since the opening of the Yandex Lyceum site in our city in 2019. Dmitry Vladimirovich cordially congratulated the students on their successful graduation and wished them further success.

"Yandex Academy Lyceum is an important federal project in IT education. Together with partners, we teach high school students the basics of industrial development in Python for free and prepare them for a further career in IT," Director of the Yandex Academy Sergey Brazhnik notes. "Lyceum graduates already have skills at the level of junior developers and continue to improve them by studying at Yandex partner programmes at universities and during internships at the company. In the new academic year, we are going to expand the catalog of courses and formats so that the Lyceum becomes an entry point into the IT profession."

What is Yandex Lyceum? On the Yandex Academy website, one can find information about the training.

Schoolchildren enrolled in the first year master the programme "Fundamentals of Python programming". Knowledge of the language is not required for admission, the ability to think logically, to analyze and to solve non-standard problems is enough. During the first year, students get a deep knowledge of the basics of the Python language, learn to work with external libraries, master the principles of object-oriented programming.

The second course is "Fundamentals of industrial programming", the most difficult and most interesting year. The students learn about the technologies of developing programmes, creating graphical interfaces. They solve real applied problems, create applications using various libraries and modern development tools, write chat bots for instant messengers, teach Alice new skills. And what is very important, they learn to work in a team, creating joint projects.

This year, among the graduation projects on our site, there were various games using PyQt and PyGame - tanks, gallows, "Five to one", "Golden frying pan", an improved version of the famous OSU game, as well as a mathematical simulator, an mp3 player using video, a manager for mp3 files, a movie library with movie filtering, applications for testing by subject (geography, for example), mobile applications chat bots - Telegram and Discord bots, in particular, a virtual guide in Dubna, with which you can walk around your hometown and learn a lot of interesting things, your own testing system for checking programming tasks and football fans will be interested in a football news site.

For two years of study, certified teachers of the Yandex Academy Lyceum Roza Nikolaevna Ershova and Nadezhda Sergeevna Semashko have been intensively working with students. Thanks to the joint well-coordinated work of the children and teachers, the site in Dubna has a high rating among other sites in terms of the number of students that have completed the full course and the average score (and there are already 380 of them in 162 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan!). This academic year, the average score for the first year was 61.4 and for the second year - 53.3. Believe me, these are high scores!

Four students were awarded certificates with honors, these are the students that scored 80+ points during the academic year. Among them, one second-year student and three first-year students and one of them, German Gridnev, became a super-excellent student, gaining 118 points out of 120 possible! The students are great fellows and we are proud of them! With their diligence, perseverance and obstinacy, they proved that nothing is impossible and everything works out if it is interesting.

The first-year students have a very difficult and interesting second year ahead and the second-year students that successfully passed all their projects, wished them success, not to give up and not to give in to difficulties.

Now it's summer and you can relax, but not far off and the new school year. Recruitment to the first-year group at Yandex Lyceum starts at the end of August. All details about admission should be viewed on the official website of the Yandex Academy Lyceum at the link https://academy.yandex.ru/lyceum

We invite smart, interested schoolchildren that have graduated from grades 7-8, like to solve problems and are ready to work in order to get a unique opportunity to become a Yandex Lyceum graduate.

Site coordinator of the Yandex Academy Lyceum in Dubna
tel. 8(903)008-43-42,

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