Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 11 (4709)
dated March 21, 2024:


A cooperation agreement was signed

On 15 March, the representatives of the Federal Research Centre of the Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FRC KazSC RAS) visited the Joint Institute. During the visit, the members of the delegation Director of the Kazakh Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Kalachev and Head of the Laboratory of Structural Analysis of Biomacromolecules Konstantin Usachev met with JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov. As a result of the discussions, the parties entered into an agreement on cooperation in the field of radiation research in the life sciences.

At the meeting, the parties discussed the current successful practices of bilateral cooperation. In particular, joint projects in the field of structural biology were highlighted. The parties discussed opportunities for developing scientific cooperation and outlined areas for future projects.

In order to implement the plans, JINR and KazSC RAS signed a cooperation agreement. The document involves joint research in the following areas: new imaging techniques in radiobiology and medicine (quantum sensors, high-resolution fluorescence microscopy, optical-acoustic tomography); structural analysis of biomacromolecules based on small-angle X-ray scattering, synchrotron and neutron radiation techniques; investigations of the mechanisms of neurodegeneration under the impact of ionizing radiation with different physical characteristics; investigations of the mechanisms of action of radiosensitizers for the treatment of cancer and radioprotective drugs.

"The agreement opens up new opportunities for scientists of the Kazan Scientific Centre to access the research infrastructure of FLNP, in particular, small-angle scattering stations for analyzing the structure of biomolecules and cellular organelles. JINR radiobiologists are going to carry out close cooperation in the field of introducing new non-invasive imaging technologies in the issues of medical radiobiology and the research of radiation damage to the brain," LRB Director Alexander Bugay highlighted. He also added that a number of promising tomography technologies in the future may find their application in the infrastructure of the research and clinical centre for proton therapy project in Dubna.

On behalf of JINR, the meeting was attended by the Chief Scientific Secretary of the Institute Sergey Nedelko, LRB Director Alexander Bugay and FLNP Deputy Director Norbert Kucherka.

At the end of the visit, the representatives of the Kazan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in a ceremonial seminar dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the commissioning of IBR-2.

Based on the information from the JINR Press Office

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