Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 16-17 (4714-4715)
dated April 25, 2024:

Youth and science

Information, vacancies, interviews

The Association of Young Scientists and Specialists, together with the JINR Human Resources Department, took part in two large events organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Moscow Region.

On 5 April, within the framework of the Festival of Professions held at VDNKh, the exhibition "Scientists of the future" was organized. The event attracted a record 3.500 visitors for the pavilion, most of whom were students and schoolchildren. During the exhibition, prototypes of the leading JINR facilities were demonstrated: the NICA accelerator complex, the DC-280 Superheavy Element Factory and the Baikal-GVD deep-sea neutrino telescope. Particular attention of visitors was attracted by the Wilson chamber and spectacular physical and chemical experiments.

The JINR Human Resources Department, in order to show the diversity of the current labor market, to help young people to decide on a future profession and to select the optimal employment variant, presented vacancies in engineering and technological areas at the festival and held fruitful meetings with representatives of career centres of universities and colleges in the Moscow region.

At the event, lectures were given by the Institute's scientists: A.V.Karpov, Yu.S.Severyukhin, R.A.Kozhina and V.A.Rozhkov that were received with great interest by the participants.

"We are proud that JINR, albeit indirectly, participates in such significant events as the exhibition-forum "Russia" at VDNKh. After all, our senior colleagues also once presented their discoveries at this same site," Dmitry Klimansky, one of the exhibition participants, shared his impressions.

Regina Kozhina that gave a mini-lecture on the interaction of biology and physics within the framework of the Institute's topic, added: "It was wonderful to see the delight and interest of visitors caused by stories about our research, basic facilities and experiments that will be carried out on them. It confirms that science and education must go hand in hand."


On 11 April, a Job Fair was held in the Dubna Special Economic Zone that was attended by more than 400 people. Many of the visitors, these are candidates for vacancies showed interest in working at JINR. In total, 35 vacancies from JINR (VBLHEP, CPED, FLNR, DLNP, DDSD, HRCM Office and other departments of the Institute) were presented at the Fair.

"A career fair is an effective recruitment tool. This is a great opportunity for candidates to get to know a potential employer, to receive career advice and to learn about the employer's social programmes," Deputy Head of the JINR Human Resources Department Alina Plotnikova noted.

During the event, 58 candidates passed the preliminary interview. Some of them will be employed at JINR, others will take a place in the personnel reserve.

The organizers expressed gratitude to all participants and assistants, including Dmitry Klimansky, Alexey Chetverikov, Kirill Berestov, Regina Kozhina, Konstantin Khramko, Irina Krylova, Svetlana Denikina, Anastasia Kovaleva, Lyubov Morina for the high level of preparation and holding of the event.

Self inf.

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