Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 6 (4754)
dated February 20, 2025:

At the session of the Scientific Council

Science news, accelerator launch, elections

On 13-14 February, the 137th session of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held in the International Conference Centre in a hybrid format. At the meeting, the news of the Laboratories and divisions of the Institute were presented, Co-chairman of the Scientific Council, Director of FLNR and Deputy Directors of LRB were elected. The decision of jury on awarding JINR Annual Prizes for the best scientific papers was approved.

The session was opened by the election of Co-chairman of the Scientific Council. Afterwards, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov presented a report on the news of JINR and the scientific achievements of Laboratories.

PAC Chairmen Itzhak Tserruya (Committee for Particle Physics), Valery Nesvizhevsky (Committee for Nuclear Physics) and Denes Lajos Nagy (Committee for Condensed Matter Physics) presented to the participants of the session the recommendations of the PAC adopted in January, 2025.

On 13 February, the solemn launch of the linear accelerator LINAC-200 was held in DLNP. The opening ceremony of the new basic facility of DLNP was visited by the members of the Scientific Council and the representatives of JINR Directorate.

Participants of the session on excursions in DLNP

Voting on elections for the position of Director of FLNR, as well as approval of Deputy Director of LRB were held at the session. The voting procedure was preceded by the speeches of candidates for the post of Director of FLNR with the reports "Proposal for the Laboratory development programme for 2025-2029" and the proposal of LRB Director Alexander Bugay for the appointment of deputies. The working day ended with the visit of the participants of the session to DLNP.

On 14 February, the Scientific Council listened with interest to the reports of young scientists selected by PAC to be presented at this session: "Development of ISCRA and SIMBO stations for applied research on high-energy ions. Testing of microcircuits for radiation resistance using low-energy pulsed ion beams at the SOCHI station" by A.A.Slivin (VBLHEP), "High-intensity ion beams of metals for the synthesis of super-heavy elements "by D.K.Pugachev (DLNP) and" Structural and oscillatory properties of francisite Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl at high pressure" by A.V.Rutkauskas (FLNP). The Scientific Council thanked the speakers.

Awards and prizes

The Scientific Council accepted the proposal of JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov to award the title of "Honorary Doctor of JINR" to Mahmoud Sakr (Arab Republic of Egypt) for a great personal contribution to the increase in the role of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the scientific life of JINR, strengthening the scientific cooperation between the Arab Republic of Egypt and JINR.

The Scientific Council approved the decision of the jury, represented by JINR Vice Director Sergey Dmitriev, on the award of annual prizes for the best papers in research and development, theoretical and experimental physics, methodology and technology, as well as applied physics.

Elections and announcement of vacancies in Directorates of JINR Laboratories

The Scientific Council elected S.I.Sidorchuk as Director of FLNR for the second five-year term. The Scientific Council appreciated the quality and variety of all applications.

The Scientific Council approved the positions of A.V.Boreiko and I.Padron Diaz as Deputy Directors of LRB until the end of the authorities of LRB Director A.N.Bugay.

The Scientific Council announced vacancies for the positions of Deputy Directors of FLNR. The approval will be held at the 138th session of the Scientific Council in September, 2025.

The Scientific Council recommended that JINR Directorate, when announcing vacancies to the positions of directors and deputy directors of laboratories, provide job descriptions on these candidates.

The 138th session of the Scientific Council will be held on 15-16 September.

Evgeny Molchanov,
Photo by Igor Lapenko

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