An algorithm of the continuous analogue of Newton method (CANM) is proposed
for the solving of the boundary value problems of beam transport.
The efficiency of CANM has been practically shown on a number of the problems
of beam dynamics leading to the solving of ordinary differential and integral
The solving of the problem of determining the optimal (in sense of some
criterions of quality) parameters Pi for charged particles transportation
systems taking into account different nonlinear effects, is given. The results
of the calculation of the consistent "invisible" straight section (insertion)
of the accelerator obtained with the help of CANM are shown.
R.V.Polyakova, I.P.Yudin. Continuous Analogue of Newton Method in Beam Dynamics Problems //
Âåñòíèê ÐÓÄÍ, №2, 2011, pp. 76-84.
Paper are submitted.