Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 12 (4609)
dated March 31, 2022:

Awards on JINR Foundation Day

On 25 March, a festive meeting was held in the JINR Scientists' Club dedicated to the Foundation Day of the Joint Institute. Participants summed up the results of the previous, jubilee year of JINR. Governmental and industrial awards were presented to Institute's employees, and grants for Dubna teachers were awarded.

Director of the Joint Institute RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov in his welcoming speech noted that the Institute worked effectively in the past year. "JINR is full of energy and plans. We have achieved a lot during the anniversary year. On the JINR Foundation Day, the Institute's Directorate expresses gratitude to the JINR team, as well as hundreds of partners worldwide, for their contribution to the development of the bright scientific centre, our common International Home on the Volga," Grigory Trubnikov said.

Head of Dubna Sergey Kulikov congratulated the Joint Institute on the 66th anniversary, "The Institute and Dubna are inextricably linked. JINR has not only great past but also fascinating future.

The Following the tradition, on the Day of JINR talented teachers of Dubna - winners of the JINR Grant Competition for teachers of the city - were honored. In the festive atmosphere of the event, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov and Head of Dubna Sergey Kulikov presented awards to Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, IT, Biology, English and Russian teachers, as well as to teachers of additional education. When considering the applications, the jury focused on the subjects and educational technologies that are necessary for training future JINR staff. For 22 years of the competition's existence, 210 teachers have already received awards. This year, the JINR Directorate has decided to increase the number of grants from 10 to 12organisation is actively developing."

The festive event was concluded with the presentation of governmental and industrial awards to the best employees of the Institute.

VBLHEP Honorary Director Igor Slivin received the Rosatom's Badge "For international cooperation in nuclear industry".

The Medal "For distinguished labour" III degree of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia was awarded to:

DLNP JINR chief researcher Nikolay Russakovich

Head of the DLNP JINR Scientific and Experimental Department of Elementary Particles Alexander Olshevsky

Diplomas of the relevant Ministry were presented to:

Deputy Head of the Legal Department Liudmila Boriskina

HRRMD Deputy Head Natalia Lenskaya

Consultant to JINR Directorate Irina Leonovich

Assistant to the JINR Director for Security Alexander Mikhan

Head of the Labour & Wages Office Galina Sustina

Head of the Social Infrastructure Management Office Andrey Tamonov

Notes of acknowledgement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia were awarded to:

LRB JINR Director Aleksandr Bugay

Head of the Motor Transport Service Victor Zhuravlev

Editor-in-chief of the JINR Weekly Newspaper "Dubna: science, cooperation, progress" Evgeny Molchanov

Chief specialist of the Department of Science Organisation Activities Natalia Sissakian

Head of the Scientific Information Department Boris Starchenko

Assistant Chief Engineer of JINR Evgeny Uglov

Head of the Publishing Department Anastasia Shabashova

JINR Deputy Chief Engineer Andrey Dudarev received the note of acknowledgement of the Governor of the Moscow region.

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