Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 25 (4622)
dated July 7, 2022:

JINR Public Council and educational programme

After a one-year break, the Public Council under JINR Directorate, organised in 2014 in order to create favorable conditions for the official joint activities of the Institute, its employees and their families with the local authorities of Dubna, resumed its work with new members.

The Council that consisted of 23 employees of the Institute, including veterans and young people, people known for their active life position, was chaired by Head of the department of FLNP JINR, a member of the City Council of Deputies S.A.Kulikov. During its work, the council discussed many issues of interaction between JINR and the City Administration, enterprises and institutions of Dubna, city social and socio-cultural programs.

The current membership of the council is headed by FLNR Deputy Scientific Director Professor M.G.Itkis. It was he who opened the next meeting devoted to educational activities at the Institute and the city. JINR Director G.V.Trubnikov made a commentary on the agenda. "We decided to start with the future," he said. "And it is largely determined by the quality of education of young people - a necessary condition for the implementation of our plans. In the future, it is worth discussing the development of the city as a whole and many social issues that concern JINR staff and all residents of the city."

The new membership of the Public Council was welcomed by Head of the city S.A.Kulikov. V.A.Matveev, JINR Scientific Director, addressed the meeting participants via videoconference. He highly appreciated the role of this public formation in the development of interaction between city government bodies and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research as one of the leading city-forming enterprises

Yu.P.Kurlapov, Director of the lyceum, spoke about the work of the Moscow Regional Physics and Mathematics Lyceum named after Academician V.G.Kadyshevsky. He touched upon the main results of the work of the first year of the lyceum, the time of its establishment, shared plans for the next academic year and for the future. In their comments, the meeting participants highly appreciated the work of the teaching staff and the numerous successes of the lyceum students both in mastering the curricula and in the Olympiad movement, and made a number of proposals for the further development of cooperation with JINR.

Rector of Dubna State University D.V.Fursaev acquainted the participants of the meeting with the results of the recent Academic Council of the University. In his report on the results of work in the 2021-2022 academic years, the rector noted that important organizational and financial problems had to be solved concerning the transition of the university to the federal level. In the past academic year, a new educational model was proposed and implemented; work has begun on the modernization of engineering education, focused on training personnel for priority areas of development of the university; the School of Technological Entrepreneurship was created; support for youth priority R&D began; the Startup as a Diploma program was launched, in which seven teams took part; three student projects received support from the Umnik Innovation Promotion Foundation. The next graduations of the School of Innovative Pedagogy, the School of Big Data Analytics and the first graduation of the International School of Engineering took place. The meeting continued with summarizing the results of the discussion by the university staff of the project "Development Program for the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Dubna University" for 2022-2030." D.V.Fursaev paid much attention to the development of JINR basic departments and other forms of interaction with the Joint Institute.

Head of the DLNP department A.G.Olshevsky began his report on the establishment of the MSU branch in Dubna with the history of the branch of the SINP MSU that had been working in Dubna since 1960. More than 70 percent of the graduates of the branch began to work at JINR. Its new history unfolded in 2016-2021 at the Departments of Elementary Particle Physics and Physics of Fundamental Nuclear Interactions. On 28 February, 2022, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, a branch of Moscow State University was established in Dubna, E.Boos was appointed its Director. Organizational work is currently being deployed that will soon be available on the website of the branch that is being established. The opening of the branch is scheduled for 2023.


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