Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 33 (4630)
dated September 1, 2022:

City schools against the backdrop
of the Moscow Region schools

This year, 1 million 20 thousand students will sit at their desks in the Moscow Region. This is plus 42 thousand children, Governor Andrey Vorobyov said at the Forum of Teachers of the Moscow Region. In total, there are 1.5 thousand schools in the Moscow Region.

In 2016, the rating of secondary educational institutions started in our region. To get into the "green zone", an educational institution should meet certain criteria: the results of exams and olympiads, personal achievements of teachers, innovation, cooperation with universities. Depending on the indicators, the rating of the school is reduced to yellow, orange, red.

The Lyceum No.5 in the city of Dolgoprudny took the first place in this year's ranking, the second place was taken by the Dmitrov Gymnasium "Logos", the third place was taken by the Balashikha Lyceum. Two schools won the title of "Absolute Leader": the Primakov Regional Gymnasium in Odintsovo and the Kapitsa Phystech Lyceum in Dolgoprudny.

At the beginning of testing, there were 60 schools in the "green zone" of the Moscow Region and today, there are 488 of them. In Dubna, the Lyceum No.6 - the 16th place, the school No.10 - the 318th place, the school No.5 - the 424th place, the Gymnasium No.11 - the 487th place are in the list of schools in the "green zone". There are no schools in the "red zone" in our city.

The quality of education in Dubna is traditionally high. In 2022, we had 62 medalists out of 384 11th graders, seven students with a result of 100 points for exams and a student - for multi-100 points. The Lyceum No.6 named after academician G.N.Flerov is included in the TOP-200 best schools in Russia and holds the 158th position. The Lyceum "Dubna" is in the 36th place in the TOP-50 of the best schools in the Moscow Region in terms of the number of graduates who entered the leading universities of Russia.

"I sincerely wish the directors and teachers of educational institutions of the science city, as well as students and parents, successful and fruitful work in the new academic year," Head of the city of Dubna Sergey Kulikov said.

According to www.naukograd-dubna.ru and www.ug.ru

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