Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 33 (4630)
dated September 1, 2022:

Learning with passion

"Dialogue" is a big friendly family

From the end of July to the beginning of August, the regular summer session of the International School for Young Researchers "Dialogue" was held. This year, the School was held at the Sports and Recreation Centre "Gubkinets" in the Konakovo district.

This summer for the first time I worked as an assistant at the School "Dialogue". The experience of a teacher at school is like flying into space: a difficult path into the unknown world of children's perception of reality. It is a very important life practice. Besides the young assistants (students like me, having recently graduated from the university), there were more experienced teachers as well. I would like to note that it was easy to keep company with this team, mutual assistance, understanding and willingness to help reigned. In addition, more experienced teachers were always ready to advise something, to give us a cue, to direct in an unobvious situation.

During the summer session, children participate in research projects and other activities aimed at developing their various skills and qualities. Research projects are usually led by an experienced teacher and a younger assistant. A topic is chosen, theoretical and practical material for working with children is prepared in advance. At the beginning of the session, each child has the opportunity to choose from the list of projects the one he is interested in. During the session, each day, four hours are allotted for classes in the project. Accordingly, in these classes, children study theoretical material and then learn to apply it in practice. Project topics, as a rule, are always very interesting and varied, so that anyone who comes to the School "Dialog" can find something to his liking.

The session is summed up by a scientific conference, where each group presents the work done. I would like to note that this is a wonderful experience for children, especially for those who speak at scientific and practical conferences for the first time. According to the established tradition, the best research project is awarded with diplomas named after A.N.Sisakyan, the founder of the School "Dialogue". This year, it was the "EcoLog" project that carried out research in field biology, biogeobotany and hydrobiology.

In addition to project work, "Dialogue" hosts two events every day. Usually, these are strategic games with well-thought-out rules, each of which is aimed at developing certain skills in a child, whether it is the ability to convey information, listen, speak or run. In organizing events, I really liked a few points that I would like to note. First, the activities are arranged according to the level of complexity. So, if at the beginning a student of the School learns to work on his own, over time there is an enlargement of teams, that is, on the second day he already works in pairs, on the fourth day he runs in a triple and towards the end he solves a complex intricate task with a team of twelve people. Secondly, the School "Dialogue" traditionally makes extensive use of advanced technologies. In this session, the telegram bot written, by the way, in "Dialogue", worked quite regularly to collect anonymous feedback on events. As a member of the teaching staff, I want to note that this feedback is really listened to and adjustments are made to the conduct and holding of events for the future.

I could write a lot more good things about my experience as a teaching assistant, but probably what I want to say most of all is that "Dialogue" is like a second big friendly family with its own traditions, jokes and close people.

In conclusion, on behalf of all "Dialogue" students and School Director Sergey Shvidky, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who helped and has been helping us for many years: in particular, the JINR Directorate, the Administration of our city and also to thank the administration of the Sports and Recreation Centre "Gubkinets" for hospitality.

photo from the School archive

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