Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 38 (4635)
dated October 6, 2022:

At the 132nd session of the JINR Scientific Council

S.Kilin: "JINR sets a good example for us"

The 132nd session of the Scientific Council was chaired by Professor Sergey Kilin. The Belarusian physicist, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus kindly agreed to answer our questions.

First of all, I want to emphasize that despite all the very difficult circumstances, the Institute continues to go its own way. Everything that happened at this meeting showed that all its participants, who responded to the invitation and extensively discussed the reports both in the hall and online, were directly interested in the fate of JINR. Their questions and comments were, on the one hand, critical and at the same time with interest and soft, as well as very smart and competent. And all this will, of course, contribute to the further development of JINR. As a representative of Belarus, I want to say that our country is very interested in developing our relations with Dubna, we have taken several additional steps to develop this cooperation in the field of sufficient funding for joint projects and attracting young scientists - we have organized a joint JINR-RB competition of research papers under the Foundation for Basic Research, that is, we cooperate in full retreat.

The Scientific Council included new scientists, the representative of Mexico was quite interested in participating in the session, the representatives of South Africa, the representatives of China. The vector of development of relationship with China is likely to be reflected in the resolution of the Scientific Council. This, of course, will be further discussed. Surely, the missing components in the work of JINR and the Scientific Council should be extensively replaced. Observing and participating in what is happening here, I wish to say that this is exactly how scientific organizations should perform in the period we are going through. And JINR sets a good example for us.

The material was prepared by Inna ORLOVA, Evgeny MOLCHANOV, photo by Elena PUZYNINA and Igor LAPENKO

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