Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 41 (4638)
dated October 27, 2022:


Music by Bach at the equator of autumn

15 October is the equator of autumn. The Cultural Centre "Mir" hosted a concert by Associate Professor of the Department of the Moscow Conservatory, Laureate of international competitions Tatyana Titova.

She performed the tempered clavier of Johann Sebastian Bach, Volume I, 24 fugues. It may seem that this music is something abstract, but these 24 sermons (Bach was a profoundly religious person) are the subject of the day in Dubna. After all, three hundred years ago, in 1722, Johann Sebastian Bach wrote this composition about his understanding of the creation and structure of the Universe.

And with music, we can, calling on the aid of our imaginative thinking, imagine with the help of modern knowledge and achievements of science the origin of the Universe, modern concepts of dark matter and dark energy. This is all recreated by Johann Sebastian Bach with the help of Tatyana Titova's "magic hands" and the seven notes of a perfectly tuned grand piano. An octave-tuned grand piano is exactly what a tempered clavier means. Perhaps with the help of Bach that is considered by musicologists to be the centre of mankind's musical achievements, we will unravel the secrets of the universe, dark energy, the World's Golden Ratio.

"The Golden Section" in art and life is a profound philosophical concept of the beauty, harmony and perfection of nature, man and even the work that we do every day. It is just 2/3 the size of the human body geometrically, 2/3 of the work you have accomplished or plan to do (such as designing a collider, a nuclear power plant, or making a beautiful vase by a potter). Two thirds - and you are already beginning to realize and understand the finale of the clavier, your own composition, and so on. Even the human soul is implied in those two-thirds. Of course, this is all abstract, but if there is no soul, there is no life. And who made the "Big Bang" 15 billion years ago? Wasn't he the one who bequeathed us his sermons? The perfect music of Johann Sebastian Bach leads us to these thoughts.


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