Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 41 (4638)
dated October 27, 2022:

Their names are in the history of science

"Paying tribute to the memory of a scientist..."

Another jubilee of the founder of scientific Dubna Mikhail Grigorievich Meshcheryakov was celebrated in September in the Laboratory of Information Technologies, in his memorial study room. JINR Museum Funds Keeper Kirill Eduardovich Kozubsky conducted an excursion to Meshcheryakov's memorial study room for the staff of MLIT and UC of JINR. In the future, many people will probably visit it, but so far nine people have been present, including MLIT Director V.V.Korenkov and MLIT Deputy Director T.A.Strizh.

K.Kozubsky reminded those present that Meshcheryakov had worked in this study room from 1983 to 1994 as an acting and later as an honorary Director of the laboratory. However, the task of M.G.Meshcheryakov's museum-study room was, as far as possible, to reflect his entire life and not just the period of his being Director of the Laboratory of Computer Sciences and Automation (at present, LIT) or individual stages of that period.

"To pay tribute to the memory of a scientist is, above all, to trace meaningfully, in the historical context of his activities, the fate of his ideas, to assess their impact on the development of science, culture or material production of society," Meshcheryakov wrote in 1985.

The guide introduced to the tourists the most significant exhibits clearly characterizing the extraordinary and versatile personality of Meshcheryakov, his business activity, international scientific contacts, as well as his obvious literary talent. Mikhail Grigorievich was the only Director of two laboratories in the history of JINR without changing his workplace. Pictures of their facades occupy a place of honour in the central shelf. And a poem written by him in prose "Nike of Samothrace" in a wooden frame stands on his table.

In the course of work, in the memorial study room K.E.Kozubsky systematized a significant part of the documents, compiled a biographical card index and a graphological album of Meshcheryakov. According to the memoirs of the veteran of Laboratory of Computer Sciences and Automation V.M.Kadykov, during M.G.Meshcheryakov's lifetime, the plane of symmetry of his study room was crossed by the director's desk. But at present, the desk has been moved to the left and on the axis of symmetry there is today a bust of M.G.Meshcheryakov, made by the honored sculptor of Armenia Mamikon Saghatelyan, one of the three images of Meshcheryakov donated to our city by this remarkable artist.

The JINR Museum will host further meetings in the study room of M.G.Meshcheryakov, whose multifaceted heritage is the property not only of Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems and Laboratory of Information Technologies, but also of Dubna.

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