Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 20 (4668)
dated June 1, 2023:


Talent + labor = victory

The twentieth academic year of the Physics and Mathematics Open Classroom was completed with the traditional 33rd open Olympiad for students in grades 6-7 that was prepared and conducted by A.A.Leonovich and V.V.Sadilov. This time, more than 50 schoolchildren participated in the Olympiad that represented nine educational institutions of Dubna, as well as the Dmitrov gymnasium "Logos".

On 26 May, the participants including fifth-graders and even one fourth-grader that successfully performed at the Olympiad were awarded. They decided to test their skills in competition with older "Olympians". The results are quite impressive.

6th grade

Winners: Kira Belozerova (Physics and Mathematics Lyceum named after Academician V.G.Kadyshevsky), Maria Zlotnikova (Lyceum No.6).

Prize-winners: Vladiyar Alpert (Lyceum No.6), Alexander Kozlenko (Physics and Mathematics Lyceum), Anton Rogov (Physics and Mathematics Lyceum), Maria Urvanova (New School "Yuna").

7th grade

Winner: Konstantin Birkle (Physics and Mathematics Lyceum).

Prize-winners: Mikhail Davydov (school No.7), Vladimir Dubinin (Physics and Mathematics Lyceum), Dmitry Konygin (Physics and Mathematics Lyceum), Mikhail Sergeev (School No.9), Leonty Shitov (Gymnasium No.3).

Today, it is a tradition to hand over to the graduates of the Open Classroom their tests performed at the Olympiads several years ago. These 11th-graders have already achieved significant success in municipal and regional tests, as well as in the specialized Olympiads "Step into the Future", "Phystech", "Lomonosov". And Maxim Lobanov became the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics. The participants of the Olympiad, as well as their younger "colleagues" of the Open Classroom represented different schools in Dubna.

JINR Chief Scientific Secretary S.N.Nedelko (second from right) and the members of the Open Classroom
A.A.Leonovich and V.V.Sadilov with graduates of previous years

And although today, their "professional" interests cover a wide range - from physics and mathematics to computer science and chemistry, they noted the significance of the preparation started in the early years and participation in the Olympiads of the Open Classroom. Almost all of them mastered the programme of the MIPT Correspondence School of Physics and Technology, to which their classes were oriented. Many warm wishes were received by the faculty of the Open Classroom from the graduates of previous years.

The winners and prize-winners of the XXXIII Olympiad were awarded in addition to diplomas, with the journals "Quantik" and together with the graduates, with memorable gifts from the JINR University Centre that supports the work of the Open Classroom. The JINR Chief Scientific Secretary Sergey Nedelko took part in the awarding. It is noteworthy that his son Nikita, like many children of JINR staff members, once completed a full course of training at the Open Classroom that affected his choice of a university and further studies. Sergey Nikolayevich shared this fact with schoolchildren, emphasizing the significance of active study and the study of exact disciplines for their future. "We are interested in your success - we are waiting for you!" With these words he ended his speech.

A special moment of this meeting was the honoring of the director of school No.9 E.Ya.Liseenko. All the years of its work, the Open Classroom was located under the roof of this school and of course, could not do without the help of Elena Yakovlevna.

Let's say thank you to everyone that has taken part in the work of the Open Classroom - this small but important educational unit for the city and we wish it and its pupils further success!

Based on the materials of the Physics and Mathematics Open Classroom,
photo by Elena PUZYNINA

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