Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 31 (4679)
dated August 24, 2023:

Yandex Lyceum invites

Enrolment to the full-time Python programming course for 2023-2024 academic years is ongoing.

The course programme covers the basic concepts, constructs and libraries of the Python language. Students will master popular tools and learn the basics of object-oriented programming. As a result, they will learn the fundamentals of Python and learn how to make predictions, build graphs and analytics.

In addition, there are new online programmes at the Lyceum:

- a year-long course on Go, a fast and productive programming language that is in demand in the IT industry;

- specialization in game development, data analysis, machine learning, Django web development and other areas.

Among instructors there are industry experts that will help to master complex topics. The programme of each course is practice-oriented, so that students can practice their IT skills on real tasks.

Who is Yandex Lyceum suitable for?

Schoolchildren in grades 8-11, as well as college and technical school students. It is important to be interested in IT and to have a good base in computer science.

For those who have already studied at Yandex Lyceum's Python programmes, online courses will be a logical continuation and will help to develop skills up to junior developer level. In addition, graduates of full-time courses have advantages in selection for specialization!

Training at Yandex Lyceum is completely free, classes are held at Lyceum №6 named after Academician G.N.Flerov (16 Pontecorvo Street). More information about all courses and enrolment can be found at https://lyceum.yandex.ru.

Site Coordinator Nadezhda Sergeevna Semashko, tel. 8(903)008-43-42, e-mail: ns.semashko@yandex.ru, ns.semashko@gmail.com.

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