Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 5 (4653)
dated February 9, 2023:


In memory of Professor Valery Burov

On 2 February, a seminar dedicated to the memory of Professor Valery Vasilievich Burov was held in the Blokhintsev Auditorium in the Bogolyubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics.

29 January marked the one-year anniversary since Valery Vasilievich passed away. He was an outstanding Russian theoretical physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director, later Head of Sector and a chief researcher at BLTP JINR.

Valery Burov was a recognized specialist in the field of relativistic nuclear physics. Large series of research on electron scattering at nuclei with high momentum transfer, the cumulative effect, as well as fundamental work on the investigation of meson and quark degrees of freedom in nuclei were carried out by him. In recent years, he wrote series of papers on the description of relativistic effects in the reactions of elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons on deuteron, as well as on trinucleon systems.

Valery Vasilievich organized scientific conferences and schools for young scientists and was engaged in teaching activities. He was one of the main organizers (co-chairman of the organizing committee and editor of proceedings) of a series of international seminars on problems of high energy physics and quantum chromodynamics (widely known as Baldin Autumn).

At the memorable seminar on 2 February, Valery Burov's colleagues made scientific reports on topics close to him.

The seminar was opened by Professor V.K.Lukyanov. Valery Burov had been his student. Memoirs of V.K.Lukyanov about how he had first met Valery Vasilievich in Vladivostok and had later worked with him at JINR since 1977 were listened to with great interest by the participants of the seminar.

A.I.Malakhov's report was dedicated to the production of antimatter in relativistic nuclear collisions based on the approach developed by A.M.Baldin in his time. The speaker noted that Valery Burov and his colleagues had widely participated in the development of this approach in their pioneering work on the investigation of the nuclear cumulative effect.

S.S.Shimansky dedicated his speech to fluctuons in the light of new research he is currently involved in at the accelerator in the Institute for High Energy Physics in Protvino.

In the report on low-nucleon systems in the Bethe-Salpeter approach by S.G.Bondarenko, the recent results in this research area obtained together with Valery Burov were described.

All speakers noted the great role of Valery Burov he had played in the theoretical description of relativistic nuclear interactions.

As it was announced at the seminar, the next XXV International Baldin Seminar on high energy physics and quantum chromodynamics will be held on 18-23 September, 2023, with one section dedicated to Professor Valery Burov.

(own inf.)

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