Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 5 (4653)
dated February 9, 2023:

Cultural Centre "Mir" invites

"Gravity. The main force"

On 10 February, at 7.00 PM, within the framework of the Project of the Nauka TV channel, a screening and discussion of the documentary film "Gravity. The main force" will be held.

The scriptwriter and presenter is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Aleksey Semikhatov, the director of photography is Aleksey Shilov. Aleksey Semikhatov will talk about the nature of the weakest, yet the most unstoppable force that permeates the entire Universe and about the contribution it has made to the evolution of the Universe and its formation in its present form.

The documentary gives answers to a number of questions in a simple and accessible way. What is the definition of weightlessness and why is it a fundamental property of gravity? How did gravity start the process of creating elements? How can gravity, by which all bodies only attract, still tear large enough bodies apart? What is gravitational capture? How are gravity and time dilation related? What happens near the horizon of a black hole? In what terms is Einstein's theory of gravity described and how does it work? How does gravity deflect light and how does it involve rotation? How does gravity itself propagate? And how does it remain our only thread leading to dark matter?

The uniqueness of gravity as a subject chosen for the documentary is that it has many manifestations, seemingly unrelated to one another. The audience, previously unfamiliar with the subject, will be able to gain a new perspective on the structure of the Universe. For those interested in the structure of the cosmos and how gravity works in it, the film also offers several aspects that are usually left out of the popular narrative, but in this case expressed in accessible and vivid images.

A documentary is a story with visual explanatory graphics, experiments, chronicle elements and original metaphors. The film screening takes 1 hour and 15 minutes, plus a subsequent discussion.

Tickets for students and pupils (150 rubles for rows 22-25) can only be purchased at the box office by presenting a student ID or a student card.

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