Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 7-8 (4655-4656)
dated March 2, 2023:

The special report dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Academician G.N.Flerov:

Moscow region routes

To immerse in space, time and memories

If you escape from endless household chores for at least half a day, then you can plunge into the atmosphere of a festivity and warm memories at the Exhibition Hall of the Dmitrovsky Kremlin Museum (17 Zagorskaya Street). Here you can enjoy a number of small exhibitions.

Those who are close to the artwork of the People's Artist of the USSR A.M.Shilov can visit the exhibition of his works until 2 April. A very atmospheric photo exhibition "Cities and people" capturing peeped moments from life and colorful landscapes from around the world will be open until 9 April. Looking at street scenes and natural beauties captured in Venice and Yerevan, Pereslavl-Zalessky and Milan, Solovki and Baku, you remember your trips and start planning new ones.

You can travel not in space, but in time at the exhibition from the collection of Dmitrov citizen Denis Dumov that is dedicated to International Women's Day, supplemented by personal belongings of the museum staff. This exhibition is the smallest - only three showcases and a very nice fridge. There are things in showcases that convey the atmosphere of the holiday with the signs of a bygone era: cologne with a rubber pear, powder in a cardboard box, scarce tights, no less scarce fruit confiture "Globus" in a half-empty fridge. And of course, there are flowers, sweets, greeting cards, as well as Soviet champagne. At the exhibition, you can learn that "Happy March 8" postcards have been printed since 1952 and annually up to 80 types of them have been printed in huge editions. Women workers were honored on 8 March shortly after the October Revolution. Only since 1966 this day has become a non-working day.

You can learn about the items of Soviet life and the attributes of the Spring Festival until 26 March.

photo by the author

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