Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 5 (4703)
dated February 8, 2024:


Be careful!

Dear JINR employees! Currently, there is an intensification and expansion of the range of fraudulent activities using telephone calls, SMS messages and instant messengers.

The next option for fraudsters is classified as targeted phishing and looks like this.

1. A JINR employee receives a message via messenger (Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, etc.) allegedly from an official of the Institute's Directorate. The message suggests adding a new phone number of Director of the Institute or another official of the JINR Directorate to the contact list. To enhance the effect, fraudsters address JINR employees by their first and middle names.

2. Next, the fraudsters offer to perform some action related to the employee's job responsibilities and ask for feedback. In this way, "confidential" correspondence is established. In the process of further communication, fraudsters, using methods of social engineering and psychological manipulation, achieve that the controlled person performs certain actions (transfer or transmit of funds, obtaining a loan, etc.) or discloses confidential information.

Social engineering attacks are extremely dangerous because they occur in completely ordinary situations and look very believable. However, by understanding the mechanism of their action and taking basic precautions, you can minimize risks and protect yourself from fraudulent activities.

When communicating in instant messengers, be vigilant and subject the information received to critical reflection, since any user's account can potentially be hacked and function in the interests of fraudsters.

We strongly recommend not to respond to messages of questionable content and not to enter into any contact with fraudsters.

To receive advice on calls and messages that cause you suspicion, please contact the reception desk of JINR Assistant Director for Security Alexander Mikhan at 216-50-05 or the JINR Security Service:

  • Head of service Nikolay Stepanov, tel.: 216-65-97, 216-22-48;
  • Deputy head of the Service Igor Zuev, tel.: 216-58-17.

Your SAFETY is in your KNOWLEDGE!

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