Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 6 (4704)
dated February 15, 2024:

An open platform for constructive dialogue

On 6-8 February, a scientific and practical conference "Physical-technological and intelligent systems" was held at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute of the National Research Nuclear University.

Together with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, more than 20 leading scientific organizations and industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation, as well as about two hundred specialists, young scientists, graduate students and students participated in the event.

At the sectional sessions of the conference, more than 60 reports on current issues in the development of information, measuring and control systems, the development of radiation safety systems, metrological support for nuclear physics equipment, electrical facilities for generating neutron fluxes and charged particles, as well as ionizing radiation were presented.

The thematic division of sections allowed to unite specialists working in related areas of scientific research and created conditions for wide discussion of the presented materials and to establish contacts for further cooperation between scientific teams.

Within the framework of the section programme, based on expert estimation of presented reports, a competition of submitted reports was held among young scientists: staff, students and graduate students.

In addition to JINR, representatives of twenty-four enterprises and scientific organizations of the Russian Federation were among the conference participants. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Rosatom State Corporation, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, JSC Greenatom, JSC Rosatom Science, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, JSC FCNIVT SNPO Eleron, FSUE VNIIA named after N.L.Dukhov, JSC SNIIP, JSC NIKIET, JSC Energomontazh International, LLC Diamant and others participated in the event.

Following the results of the conference, it was noted that the event had become an open platform for constructive dialogue on a wide range of current scientific issues and tasks. The conference gave impetus to the development of cooperation between teams of research and production enterprises in the field of development of cyber-physical systems.

Holding the conference allows one to organize the process of transferring knowledge and achievements from experienced specialists to young scientists and engineers. The event provides an opportunity for young scientists and engineers to improve their scientific and technological potential and professional qualities in the field of functional circuitry, software, design and process design, as well as the operation of physical and technological intelligent (cyberphysical) devices and systems. This year, the scientific and practical conference of PTIS was held for the third time.

Information is prepared based on the reports from the JINR Press Office,
photo from NRNU MEPhI

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