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About what the newspaper wrote on this day 45 years agoNo. 5 (2495), 30 January, 1980 An extended meeting of the Commission on Application Packages of the Coordinating Committee on Computer Engineering of the USSR Academy of Sciences was held in Dubna chaired by Academician A.Dorodnitsyn, in which about seventy specialists from scientific organizations of Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Vilnius, Novosibirsk and other cities of the Soviet Union took part. JINR scientists presented five reports out of twenty-eight. *** Ensuring the stable operation of the basic electronic computers BESM 6 and SDS 6500 is the basic task that the Department of Computers (Head of the Department B. Bezrukov) meets. Among other relevant tasks of the Department is the further expansion of the configuration and increase in the efficiency of electronic computers of the central computing complex of JINR. To meet this task, work has been carried out to increase the memory of magnetic disks on the BESM 6 computer. Another work that contributes to increasing the efficiency of using the BESM 6 computer for addressing physical tasks is connecting a graphic display to the machine. It allows one to quickly obtain graphic data and drawings of printed circuit boards.
Head of the BESM 6 Group I.Emelin is adjusting the graphic display of the Tektronix-4012 *** Senior researcher at FLNP Ireneusz Natkanec flew to Grenoble (France) for joint experiments at the reactor of the Laue-Langevin Institute. Several years ago, a cooperation protocol was signed with this International Scientific Centre, the members of which are France, Great Britain and Germany and currently, joint research is carried out and scientists are exchanged. The pulsed reactors in Dubna and the high-flux reactor in Grenoble, as I. Natkanec said, have their own peculiarities and advantages. Some investigations can be implemented in Dubna, others - in Grenoble. It emphasizes the benefits of cooperation in this area. *** Dr. Jens Bang has arrived from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen to participate in joint theoretical research. The Danish physicist has been in contact with JINR theorists for 20 years. Dubna attracts the scientist primarily because of the effectiveness of joint work and the fact that JINR has many colleagues who he can discuss tasks of interest with. According to Dr.Bang, there is a good creative atmosphere here. Theoretical physics is a collective work of scientists from many countries. And discussions require fundamental friendly relations and the ability to tell the truth. There is such an environment in Dubna. E.Bang and his colleagues currently work on theoretical problems of nuclear reactions with heavy ions. This is a very fast developing area of physics - both experimental and theoretical. *** One of the significant achievements of the Department of LHE Synchrophasotron was development of the joint operation mode of two slow extraction channels in one acceleration cycle - in the range of average and high energies. A range of measures was carried out at the accelerator that allowed implementing a joint operation mode in one acceleration cycle of two slow extraction channels. Calculations for optimizing the beam extraction mode at low inductions of the main magnetic field (parameters of the resonance system, elements of magnetic optics, radial position of the circulating beam) were carried out by B.V.Vasilishin. The power supply circuits of the ejection components have been reconstructed. The most labor-intensive part of this programme consisted of developing and designing a power supply system for the deflector magnet and the leading magnet based on a stable current source. This research was carried out under the supervision of B.Omelchenko by the employees of the Electrical Engineering Department V.Saveliev, G.Borisova, L.Yakovenko, N.Kondratyev. Debugging of the complex mode that allows for the extraction of beams of two energies in one cycle of the synchrophasotron operation was carried out by the employees of the Department of Synchrophasotron S.Novikov, V.Buldakovsky, V.Volkov. According to Head of the Sector of the Department I.Issinsky, implementation of the joint operation mode of two slow output channels in one acceleration cycle allows for an increase in the efficiency of the LHE accelerator use in carrying out physical research. *** The activities of the JINR Tourism Section (Chairman - Master of Sports A.Zlobin) are carried out in a variety of areas: it includes sports and organizational mass work, training of public tourism personnel, work with young tourists, tourism propaganda, preparation and passing of the GTO complex standards, nature conservation activities, preparation and implementation of tourist trips of I-V difficulty categories, ensuring the safety of hikes. At present, the Section consists of more than 340 members - participants of "weekend hikes" and sports trips, participants of rallies and competitions. In recent years, JINR tourists have participated in the preparation and implementation of four expeditions: two mountain expeditions - along the Pamir-Alay, Altai and two water expeditions - along the Belaya (Kamchatka) and Charyn rivers. Columnist Irina LEONOVICH, |