Number 5 (4753) dated February 13, 2025:
New Scientific Journal of Dubna State University
The Dubna Journal of Natural Sciences, dedicated to the topical areas of physics, chemistry and Earth sciences, coincided with the 30th anniversary of the University that was celebrated in September, 2024.
The first issue includes six articles dedicated to both fundamental and applied research: synthesis of carbon quantum dots for the development of immunochromatography technology, development of new materials for ultracondensers, development of techniques for oil well estimation, new techniques of waste disposal from nuclear power facilities, investigation of the properties of Palladium sulfide and climate simulation.
The periodicity of the journal is at least four issues per year. The strategy of the editorial board of the journal that in addition to Russian scientists, includes their colleagues from Kazakhstan, Chile, Egypt and Japan, is based on the selection of high-quality scientific publications. It will allow the new journal to enter the "List of peer-reviewed scientific editions including the basic scientific results of theses for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences" (the List of the Higher Attestation Commission) and the Whitelist of scientific journals in a short period of time.
You can learn more about the issue by QR code.
As reported by uni-dubna.ru