Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 19 (4616)
dated May 26, 2022:

AYSS Seminars: A new format

On the initiative of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR, a series of seminars was held in the Great Hall of the JINR Scientists' Club.

According to the supervisors of the project "Seminars in the JINR Scientists' Club" Liudmila Kolupaeva and Varvara Maslova, the goal of the project is to learn science news from the "first hand", exchange experiences, as well as establish contacts between young employees from different laboratories.

"The format of the seminars is conceived as Wine&cheese that will make the atmosphere before and after the seminar more relaxed," the supervisors of the project note.

As Chairman of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR Vladislav Rozhkov has noted, a pool of 35 lecturers has already been assembled, thanks to which such lectures today can be held in a row every week until January.

"We intend to hold these seminars regularly," V. Rozhkov said. "This format of seminars differs from the usual ones in that we have decided to remove the official part, limit lectures to a popular presentation, so that they are understandable, interesting, so that young employees who are engaged in theoretical physics understand well what the senior employees from the Radiation Biology Laboratory work on and vice versa. This will allow one to create collaborations, help each other in solving a particular task, to get an alternative opinion of colleagues. On the other hand, this is a great opportunity to develop a new generation of lecturers."

On 19 May, the first seminar of DLNP postdoc Yury Malyshkin "Baikal-GVD: at the origins of neutrino astronomy" was held. The speaker gave a report about neutrinos, types of modern telescopes, cosmic rays and cosmic microwave background radiation, multichannel astronomy. The lecturer made a review on the creation of neutrino telescopes, dwelled in more detail on the features and advantages of the Ice Cube and Baikal-GVD projects.

Seminars will be held weekly on Thursdays at 4:00 PM. The next seminar will be on the story of Senior researcher of the "Research of the structure of nuclei and particles under extreme conditions" Sector of VBLHEP Alexey Aparin about "Heavy ion physics: how experiments are carried out at high energies." The AYSS also intends to launch a film club for JINR employees in the near future.

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