Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 12 (4710)
dated March 28, 2024:

JINR Grants to Dubna teachers

Twelve school teachers and teachers of additional school education in the city of Dubna have become winners of the annual competition for Grants of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

The jury decided to award 12 Grants to school teachers and teachers of additional school education in the city.

The winners of the competition in 2024 are:

Marina Ivanova - history teacher at school No. 7

Irina Ilyina - chemistry teacher at the Lyceum named after V.G.Kadyshevsky

Mikhail Nuyakshin - mathematics teacher at the Lyceum named after V.G.Kadyshevsky

Irina Potsepaeva - physics teacher at the Police Lyceum

Andrey Samsonov - teacher of additional education (IT) at the college of the Dubna University

Elizaveta Savelyeva - primary school teacher at Lyceum No. 6 named after G.N.Flerov

Olga Sorokina - mathematics teacher at school No. 9

Alena Obukhova - computer science teacher at school No. 9

Taisiya Lapteva - biology teacher at the Police Lyceum

Natalya Trusova - chemistry teacher at school No. 1

Elena Buzdavina - foreign language teacher at gymnasium No. 11

Irina Udalova - biology teacher at gymnasium No. 3.

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has held a Grant competition every year since 2001, helping to improve the professional level of city teachers and stimulating their pedagogical and creative activity.

When considering competitive applications, the emphasis is on educational subjects and technologies that are in demand when training personnel for JINR: natural and engineering sciences, information technologies, advanced techniques of additional school education in the natural sciences, including those used by primary school teachers. At the same time, teachers of Russian language and literature, history, foreign languages, technology (labor) and other equally important disciplines of the school curriculum are also winners of the competition.

Congratulations to the 2024 Grant competition winners!

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