Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 39 (4737)
dated October 10, 2024:

Meridians of cooperation

Project of new Vietnam Accelerator Complex
discussed at JINR

On 10–20 September, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research hosted a workshop on accelerator technology with the participation of specialists from Vietnam and South Africa. During the two weeks, they got introduced to the JINR research infrastructure and the intricacies of the structure and principles of operation of modern accelerator facilities. The central topic of the meeting was the project of the Vietnam Accelerator Complex, which JINR is taking part in.

The event was organized at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on the initiative of the Vietnamese side. The proposal to hold it was put forward by Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in JINR, Deputy Director of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Professor Tran Tuan Anh and the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM).

The programme of the first working week of the meeting included intensive lecture courses on accelerator physics and visits to JINR’s main experimental facilities. Specialists of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics introduced Vietnamese scientists to various types and classifications of accelerators. Deputy Head of the VBLHEP JINR Accelerator Division Anatoly Sidorin delivered a series of lectures on the theory of accelerator technologies. Assistant Director for the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects Sergey Kostromin introduced the Vietnamese delegation to the main systems, types, and applications of modern cyclotrons. Employees of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems spoke about radioisotope production technologies and research in radiation medicine and hadron therapy.

As part of the meeting, Vietnamese scientists heard lectures by invited high-class specialists from the largest scientific centres in Russia. Head of the Department of Electrophysical Facilities at National Research Nuclear University Sergey Polozov spoke about the practical application of modern accelerators. Head of a sector at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Professor Konstantin Zolotarev gave a lecture on synchrotron light sources.

During the second week, specialists from Vietnam and South Africa got acquainted with the JINR infrastructure and learned about the principles of using the Institute’s research facilities. At VBLHEP JINR they visited the site of the NICA Accelerator Complex, particularly the experimental pavilion of the MPD Detector and the factory of superconducting magnets. In addition, they toured the FLNR JINR Superheavy Element Factory and the experimental hall of the IBR-2 Research Reactor at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics. The guests learned about the key facilities of the reactor: the YuMO Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Spectrometer and the REGATA Pneumatic Transport Unit. At the Laboratory of Information Technologies, the delegates were introduced to the Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC), one of the key components of the JINR scientific IT infrastructure. A tour of the JINR Main Facilities interactive exhibition took place at the JINR Mir Cultural Centre.

BLTP and DLNP JINR hosted lectures on theoretical physics and projects of the JINR Neutrino Programme. Employees of the JINR University Centre presented the educational programmes of the Joint Institute and their experience in organizing internships for young specialists from JINR Member States.

The results of the workshop on accelerator technology were summed up at the round table held on 20 September. UC JINR Director Dmitry Kamanin opened the meeting, highlighting the Institute’s long-standing fruitful scientific cooperation with Vietnam and South Africa and emphasising the mutual interest of both countries in developing accelerator technology.

Then, one of the initiators of the event from JINR’s side, the Special Representative of the JINR Director for Cooperation with International and Russian Scientific Organizations, RAS Academician Boris Sharkov delivered a speech. He highlighted the role of JINR in developing the concept of the national accelerator complex in Vietnam. “I hope that the knowledge gained by Vietnamese colleagues during their stay at JINR will serve as valuable experience for future research and will be another step towards the development of modern scientific infrastructure in Vietnam. For our part, the Joint Institute will make every effort to successfully implement the national accelerator complex project,” Boris Sharkov noted.

Chief Scientific Secretary of the Institute Sergey Nedelko gave a welcome speech on behalf of the JINR Directorate, emphasising the importance of developing international scientific and educational cooperation. “The Joint Institute has consistently supported the initiatives of the JINR Member States in the establishment of new large-scale scientific facilities. Thanks to the successful cooperation between our parties and the organization of such events, the implementation of such projects will undoubtedly be successful,” Sergey Nedelko concluded.

Director of the Centre for Nuclear Physics at VINATOM Dr. Le Suang Chung expressed gratitude to the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research for the opportunity to discuss a scientific project of such importance to the Republic. Among the key areas of application of the future facility, he highlighted fundamental physical research and experiments, industry, medicine, ecology, security systems (introscopy).

Vietnam counts on the support of the Joint Institute and its partners in training highly qualified specialists to develop its future scientific programme, create key elements of the facility, and have long-term project support at all stages of its development. In addition to accelerator technologies, other areas in which JINR can share valuable experience with Vietnamese scientists were noted: ion sources, beam optics, diagnostic and control systems, and data acquisition systems (DAQ). The final concept of the project of the Vietnam national accelerator complex is to be presented in 2026. Several workshops are set to take place Vietnam and JINR in the next two years to discuss the progress of the project.

Representatives of the Republic of South Africa expressed interest in the project of the Vietnam accelerator complex and readiness to assist in its implementation. iThemba LABS National Accelerator Centre Deputy Director Rudolf Nhodu invited Vietnamese scientists to participate in the second International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (IASEN-2024), which the Centre and JINR will jointly organize.

A researcher at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Applied Research at Physics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico Efraнn Rafael Chбvez Lomeli, who participated in the meeting, supported his South African colleagues, noting the importance of effective cooperation between all participants when implementing such large-scale projects. He noted that scientists from Mexico are also interested in exchanging experience in accelerator technologies.

Deputy Chief Engineer of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR Semen Mitrofanov emphasised the importance of establishing a small accelerator facility at the initial phases of the project. It can serve as the foundation of the project and allow conducting first research and creating the project’s team. Head of the Linear Accelerator Sector of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR Mikhail Nozdrin spoke about personnel training opportunities at JINR, including training students and young scientists to work with accelerator facilities.

“As a large international organization, JINR is an excellent platform for collaborative scientific research. Working at the Institute provided me with the unique opportunity to get acquainted with leading world-class specialists. I gained valuable knowledge in radioisotope production, radiation medicine, and proton therapy. I hope that in the future our parties will be able to continue joint research and participate in international projects,” a researcher at the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) Molahlehi Sonopo shared his thoughts.

Dr. Le Suang Chung, who arrived at JINR as part of cooperation with the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, highly appreciated the scientific potential of the Joint Institute as well. Upon visiting the accelerator facilities, the Vietnamese researcher noted the impressive infrastructure and history of JINR. He stressed that Dubna has a special scientific atmosphere. “The knowledge of JINR specialists will be very useful for the Vietnam scientific community,” Dr. Chung said, expressing gratitude for the invitation to the meeting and stressing the importance of ongoing cooperation.

Following the round table, the parties agreed to jointly train highly qualified personnel. Young scientists and specialists from the Member States will have access to internships at the Institute, gaining practical skills in working with accelerators, including operation, creation, and installation of utility lines. The first internships for Vietnamese specialists are already planned at FLNP and DLNP JINR facilities. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, in turn, confirmed that it is ready to actively participate in the development of new joint projects and initiatives with all Member States, thus contributing to the advancement of international cooperation in accelerator physics and the training of future generations of scientists.

JINR Press Office

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