JINR News ( 1999 )
- From the Editorial Boards of the Journals "PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI" and
Russian WIN.) 27.12.99
- Programme of Conference "JINR Synchrocyclotron - 50th Anniversary" (ps-file, html-file) 15.12.99
- WWW Search at Baphys-sites 14.12.99
- JINR Synchrocyclotron - 50th Anniversary! (Russian KOI8) 10.12.99
- Bulletin "JINR News" N3(1999) ( PDF-file, 6.33MB ) 8.12.99
- Schedule of JINR meetings for 2000 ( English, Russian KOI8) - new version. 15.11.99
- Information about seminar at LCTA (10.11.99) 3.11.99
- JINR Rapid Communications N3[95]-99 2.11.99
- JINR High-Performance Computing Centre at LCTA 1.11.99
- JINR's Activities, Agreements, Facilities - new version. 22.10.99
- Resolution of 86th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English, WIN./KOI8) 20.10.99
- Schedule of JINR meetings for 2000 (Russian KOI8) 20.10.99
- Questionnaire for Students of the 1999 European School of High-Energy Physics 15.10.99
- VII International Conference "MATHEMATICS. COMPUTER. EDUCATION" 24.09.99
- WORKSHOP on Synchrotron Radiation (Dubna, November 1-3, 1999) 17.09.99
- IV conference of young scientists and spesialists (Dubna, 31.01 - 4.02.2000) 16.09.99
- Dubna - town of science (new russian version) 3.09.99
- 1998 JINR Annual Report [ English (PDF-file, 5.516 Mb),
Russian (PDF-file, 5.669 Mb) ] 23.08.99
- JINR Rapid Communications N2[94]-99 6.08.99
- Dubna - town of science (new version) 4.08.99
- JINR Publishing Department - new link 2.08.99
- Schedule of JINR meetings for 1999 - new version ( English, Russian KOI8 ) 13.07.99
- About Project "Young Scientists of Russia" (Russian Win.) 30.06.99
- International School for Young Scientists (September 14-22, 1999, Dubna) - Russian WIN. 24.06.99
- JINR Rapid Communications N1[93]-99 23.06.99
- Lecture's outline of the 1999 European School of High-Energy Physics 22.06.99
- Science and Technology Library of JINR (New version) 9.06.99
- Schedule of Trains: Dubna-Moscow-Dubna ( English / Russian ( Win. / KOI8 ) 3.06.99
- Bulletin "JINR News" N1(1999),  N2(1999) (PDF-files) 2.06.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N9 (110) ( Russian KOI8 ) 25.05.99
- "Stara Lesna-99"-International Workshop 21.05.99
- Bulletin No.2 of the 1999 European School of High-Energy Physics 18.05.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N8 (109) ( Russian KOI8 ) 18.05.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N7 (108) ( Russian KOI8 ) 12.05.99
- Information about Conferences,Workshops and Seminars - new version. 21.04.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N6 (107) ( Russian KOI8 ) 19.04.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N5 (106) ( Russian KOI8 ) 15.04.99
- About Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (New version) 13.04.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N4 (105) ( Russian KOI8 ) 8.04.99
- JINR Rapid Communications N6[92]-99 6.04.99
- About Dzhelepov V.P. (Win / KOI8) 2.04.99
- Resolution of 85th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council (English, WIN/KOI8) 29 03.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N3 (104) ( Russian KOI8 ) 25.03.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N2 (103) ( Russian KOI8 ) 2.03.99
- 1999 JINR Information Bulletin N1 (102) ( Russian KOI8 ) 22.02.99
- Bulletin "JINR News" N4(1998) ( English, Russian KOI8 ) 20.02.99
- JINR Main Results in 1998 ( Russian Win. ) 21.01.99
- Archive of 1996 - 1998 years 21.01.99
- 1999 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation ( Russian Win. / KOI8 ) 14.01.99
© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Dubna, 1994 - 1999