Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 19 (4616)
dated May 26, 2022:

RAS announces a competition

The Russian Academy of Sciences announces the 2022 competition for the Gold Medal for outstanding achievements in the field of promoting scientific knowledge.

Applications are submitted for the competition from citizens of the Russian Federation, authors of outstanding papers in the field of promoting scientific knowledge, creatively, excitingly and reliably covering the achievements and matters of contemporary science.

The right to nominate candidates for the Gold Medal is granted to: members of the RAS and professors of the RAS; scientific councils, committees and commissions of the Russian Academy of Sciences; laureates of the RAS Prize for the best papers in the science popularisation and laureates of the RAS Gold Medal for outstanding achievements in the promotion of scientific knowledge; scientific organisations; educational organisations of higher education; scientific societies; science and education support funds; development institutions; publishing houses and mass media.

Competitive selection for the Gold Medal is carried out by the RAS Committee on Science Popularization. Both individuals and groups of authors can participate in the competition. When submitting collective papers, leading authors are nominated for the competition, but no more than five people. The cash prize in 2022 will be 100 thousand rubles for the entire team of authors.

Applications must be submitted to the RAS Committee on Science Popularization no later than 31 July. Details on the website www.ras.ru.


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