Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 36 (4684)
dated September 28, 2023:

What did the newspaper write on that day?

47 years ago

No. 72 (2177) 28 September, 1976

Tomorrow, the II Symposium on Collective Acceleration Techniques will be held in Dubna.

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium, Head of the Department of New acceleration techniques V.P.Sarantsev noted that almost all institutes of the Soviet Union dealing with this topic, as well as scientific centres of Bulgaria, the GDR and Poland, will be represented. Scientific centres of the USA and Germany will be most fully represented due to the fact that these countries have the most developed and large experimental base.

The reports of specialists from Germany concern mainly acceleration in electronic rings. K. Andelfinger has been working on this problem for several years now. He will give a review report at the Symposium and such famous physicists as W.Hermann, I.Hoffmann, P.Merkel will give original reports.

The Organizing Committee included the most famous experts in the field of collective acceleration techniques. They are Head of the laboratory of the Lebedev Physical Institute Professor A.A.Kolomensky, Director of the Tomsk Institute of Nuclear Physics A.N.Didenko, Head of one of the largest departments of the Kharkov Physicotechnical Institute, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR Ya.B.Fainberg, Director of the ITEP Professor I.V.Chuvilo.


The School-Seminar for young JINR staff members was held at the Lipnya recreation centre. Deputy Director of LHEP A.A.Kuznetsov gave an overview lecture on scientific research carried out in the JINR laboratories. He talked about the great role of the staff members that ensure physical experiments and develop unique physical facilities. The subject of the lecture by FLNR researcher O.D.Maslov was an algorithm for solving inventive problems - ASIP. Head of the workshops M.A.Liberman spoke about the history of the Centre.


A large stage of work on the development of the U-120 M isochronous cyclotron is currently completed at DLNP JINR. The efforts of technicians and engineers of DLNP and the Centre for Electrical Engineering of JINR to adjust and launch the new cyclotron have been crowned with success.

The cyclotron was developed, the operation of all its components was checked and... the cyclotron was gone again. Or rather, he was gone only for a while. All equipment has been dismantled, packed into numerous boxes and is currently sent to Czechoslovakia. It will gradually come to life again in 1977. The Academy of Sciences of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic purchased this accelerator from JINR for the Nuclear Physics Institute in Rez near Prague.

The U-120 M project was developed at JINR by the staff members of the Department of New accelerators of DLNP.


For several years now, fruitful cooperation has been successfully developing between DLNP and the Central Institute for Physical Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Hungarian People's Republic (Budapest). One of the areas of this cooperation is the investigation of the mechanism of interaction of fast nucleons with nuclei. The staff members of two scientific laboratories constructed a two-arm spectrometer. From the DLNP side, the work is headed by V.I.Petrukhin, from the CIFI side - by J.Ere.


A year and a half ago, the well-known company Robotron (GDR) started installing an ES-1040 series computer at DLNP. To date, the installation and commissioning of this computer has been completely completed. Scientists from the countries of the socialist community working at DLNP JINR have received another powerful tool with the help of which they will monitor and directly manage the entire progress of any physical experiment.

Representatives of JINR, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the GDR and the Robotron Company
at the time of the official transfer of the EC-1040 machine to DLNP


In honor of the participants of the II Symposium on Collective Acceleration Techniques, Directorate of the Cultural Centre "Mir" organized a concert. The children's choir studio "Dubna" (director O.Ionova) will perform for the guests. Some performances will be accompanied by the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Legend" directed by A.Smirnov.

Columnist Irina LEONOVICH.
Photo by P.Zolnikov

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