Part 1 | up |
Arbuzov A.B., Bytev V.V., Kuraev E.A., Tomasi-Gustafsson E., Bystritskiy Yu.M. Exact Results in QED (eng, 755 Kb) This review is devoted to exact calculations of cross sections of QED processes in relativistic approach. We consider the case when the velocity of final heavy particles is not particularly close to the speed of light. Especially, the cases of muon radiative pair creation are considered. In the framework of QED with pion form factor, we estimate the pion radiative pair creation. All leading terms are included in the framework of structure function approach. The annihilation of electron-positron to the hadronic final state with one additional tagged photon is considered. The radiative corrections are calculated, and the numerical estimation is made. Target spin asymmetry and charge asymmetry are investigated for e ![]() |
Arbuzov A.B., Bytev V.V., Kuraev E.A., Tomasi-Gustafsson E., Bystritskiy Yu.M. Processes with Heavy-Ion Collisions (eng, 483 Kb) Some Coulomb effects in heavy-ion collisions are considered. Among them are the process of muon- and lepton-pair creation, Coulomb and unitary corrections, statistics of multiple pair production. Effects of multiple photon exchange in process of lepton pair production by linearly polarized photon on nuclei are considered. This process is used for measuring the polarization of initial photon. Relativistic muon energy loss due to the light lepton pair production in the Coulomb field are calculated. Also we consider the effects of multiple photon exchange in elastic lepton scattering on unscreened atomic field and discuss the possible experimental testing. |
Arbuzov A.B., Bytev V.V., Kuraev E.A., Tomasi-Gustafsson E., Bystritskiy Yu.M. Some QED Processes: Light-by-Light and M ![]() Some Coulomb effects in heavy-ion collisions are considered. Among them are the process of muon- and lepton-pair creation, Coulomb and unitary corrections, statistics of multiple pair production. Effects of multiple photon exchange in process of lepton pair production by linearly polarized photon on nuclei are considered. This process is used for measuring the polarization of initial photon. Relativistic muon energy loss due to the light lepton pair production in the Coulomb field are calculated. Also we consider the effects of multiple photon exchange in elastic lepton scattering on unscreened atomic field and discuss the possible experimental testing. |
Chizhov M.V. Theory and Phenomenology of Spin-1 Chiral Particles (rus, 2.173 Mb) We consider all finite representations of the Lorentz group and their association with spin properties of the particles. It is shown that for given nontrivial spin there exist several nonequivalent representations differing by chirality, which in a massless case correspond to different particles with different helicities. Spin-1 case, which includes standard field description by the vector-potential and nonstandard one by the second rank antisymmetric tensor field, is considered in detail. The first field transforms under real representation (1/2,1/2), while the second field transforms under chiral representations (1,0) and (0,1). On an example of spin-1 hadron resonances it is shown that these two fields describe two different types of particles existing in Nature. The given idea is used further for the Standard Model extention by the new type of spin-1 chiral particles. Its phenomenological consequences are studied in detail. |
Synopsis (rus, 49 Kb) |
Part 2 | up |
Balin D.V., Ganzha V.A., Kozlov S.M., Maev E.M., Petrov G.E.,
Soroka M.A., Schapkin G.N., Semenchuk G.G., Trofimov V.A., Vasiliev A.A.,
Vorobyov A.A., Voropaev N.I., Petitjean C., Gartner B.,
Lauss B., Marton J., Zmeskal J., Case T., Crowe K.M., Kammel P.,
Hartmann F.J., Faifman M.P. High Precision Study of Muon Catalyzed Fusion in D2 and HD Gases (eng, 2.995 Mb) Muon catalyzed dd fusion in D2 and HD gases in the temperature range from 28 to 350 K was investigated in a series of experiments based on a time-projection ionization chamber operating with pure hydrogen. The final analysis of the data together with a comprehensive comparison with calculations based on recent ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pshenichnov I.A. Electromagnetic Excitation and Fragmentation of Ultrarelativistic Nuclei (rus, 1.379 Mb) Electromagnetic interactions of high-energy nuclei in ultraperipheral collisions are investigated. Such collisions, which take place without any overlap of nuclear densities, can be considered as irradiation of nuclei by intense photon beams with a wide energy spectrum. This leads to several unusual phenomena, namely mutual electromagnetic excitation of nuclei including exotic double and triple excitations of giant resonances, as well as multifragmentation of nuclei. The RELDIS model is presented, which describes fragmentation of nuclei and meson production by equivalent photons. It is shown that RHIC and LHC colliders provide unique possibilities to study electromagnetic interactions of ultrarelativitic nuclei. Cross sections calculated by the RELDIS model are used as input for the method to monitor LHC luminosity and in simulating interactions of beam nuclei with LHC construction elements. |
Dubovichenko S.B., Uzikov Yu.N. Astrophysical S-Factors of Reactions with Light Atomic Nuclei (rus, 2.238 Mb) Two-cluster model constitutes a phenomenological semi-microscopic approach to study many-nucleon systems. Within this model, interaction of the nucleon clusters is described by local potential determined by fit to the scattering data and properties of bound states of these clusters. Many-body character of the problem is taken into account under some approximation, in terms of the two-cluster bound states generated by this interaction potential and separated according to the Pauli principle into allowed or forbidden states of the full system of the nucleons. An important feature of the approach is accounting for a dependence of interaction potential between clusters on the orbital Young scheme, which determines the permutation symmetry of the nucleon system. Photonuclear processes in the p2H, p3H, p6Li, p12C, as well as 4He12C, 3He4He, 3H4He, 2H4He systems and corresponding astrophysical S-factors are analyzed in this review on the basis of this approach. It is shown that the approach allows one to describe quite reasonably experimental data available at low energies, especially for systems with number of nucleons A > 4 for the cases in which the phase shifts of cluster-cluster scattering are extracted from the data with minimal errors. |
Kiselev M.A. Methods for Investigation of Lipid Nanostructures at Neutron and Synchrotron Sources (rus, 2.316 Mb) Lipid membrane is a major component of the biological membrane. Phospholipids and ceramides are basic components of drugs and cosmetics in the modern bionanotechnologies. Phospholipids nanoparticles are used as drug carriers. Development of bionanotechnolgó in Russia is urgency and requires the development of diagnostic methods for nanoparticles, which are prospective for pharmacology application. Radiations with a wavelength of 1-10 ![]() |
Frontasyeva M.V. Neutron Activation Analysis in the Life Sciences (rus, 2.185 Mb) The development of instrumental neutron activation analysis and its application in the Life Sciences are reviewed. A special emphasis is made on the epithermal activation with reactor neutrons (ENAA), and the advantages of this method for the analysis of the environmental samples are demonstrated. A review of investigations in Life Sciences carried out by means of ENAA at the world's leading nuclear centers is given. Experience in applying activation analysis with epithermal neutrons to environmental studies using analytical complex at the reactor IBR-2 of FLNP, JINR, is summarized. |
Synopsis (rus, 69 Kb) |
Part 3 | up |
Dineykhan M., Zhaugasheva S.A. Determination of the Mass Spectrum of a Bound State in the Framework of Relativistic Hamiltonian Approach (rus, 0.585 Mb) We propose one of the versions of calculation of the energy spectrum of bound state systems with relativistic corrections. In the framework of quantum field theory the expression that takes into account relativistic corrections to the mass of the bound state with a known nonrelativistic pair interaction potential is proposed on the basis of calculating the asymptotic behaviour of correlation functions of the corresponding field currents with the necessary quantum numbers. Excluding the time variables allows one to determine nonperturbative corrections to the interaction potential. In the framework of the given approach the following results are obtained. The nonperturbative corrections arising due to the relativistic nature of a system to the interaction Hamiltonian are determined. The dependence of the constituent mass, of bound-state forming particles, on the free state mass and on the orbital and radial quantum numbers is analytically derived. The energy level shift of muonic hydrogen taking into account relativistic corrections is calculated. The energy spectrum of wide class of potentials, which describe the Coulomb bound state, is analytically derived with relativistic corrections. The mass spectrum of the glueballs and the constituent masses of the gluons are analytically calculated taking into account spin-orbit, spin-spin and tensor interactions. Our numerical results have shown very good agreement with the lattice data. Taking into account nonperturbative and nonlocality characters of interactions, the mass spectrum of the mesons consisting of the light-light and light-heavy quarks with orbital and radial excitations is determined. Our results show that good agreement with the experimental data for the slope and the intercept of the Regge trajectory can be obtained only taking into account the nonperturbative and the nonlocal characters of interactions. Dependence of the constituent masses of constituent particles on the masses of a free state is certain. When quarks are light, the difference of current and valent masses of quarks is greater than valent masses of quarks, and when quarks are heavy the difference of these masses is insignificant. One of the alternative variants of the accounting of nonlocality is suggested for the definition of properties of hadrons at large distances. The dependence of the constituent masses of constituent particles on the radius of confinement is determined. |
Khvedelidze A.M. Hamiltonian Reduction of SU(2) Gluodynamics (rus, 0.576 Mb) The Hamiltonian reduction of Yang-Mills theory with the structure group SU(2) to a nonlocal model of self-interacting 3 ![]() |
Batusov V.Yu., Lyablin M.V., Topilin N.D. The Development and Application of Hardware-Software for the Controlled Assembly of ATLAS Hadron Tile Calorimeter (rus, 2.153 Mb) The article contains developed by the authors hardware-software complex and geometry control methods of the main constituent elements and final assembly of the hadron tile calorimeter. The developed complex was used at all stages of the calorimeter creation and allowed one to reach high-design precision when creating the world largest research ATLAS spectrometer. |
Yukalov V.I. Basics of Bose-Einstein Condensation (eng, 0.635 Mb) The review is devoted to the elucidation of the basic problems arising in the theoretical investigation of systems with Bose-Einstein condensate. Understanding these challenging problems is necessary for the correct description of Bose-condensed systems. The principal problems considered in the review are as follows: (i) What is the relation between Bose-Einstein condensation and global gauge symmetry breaking? (ii) How to resolve the Hohenberg-Martin dilemma of conserving versus gapless theories? (iii) How to describe Bose-condensed systems in strong spatially random potentials? (iv) Whether thermodynamically anomalous fluctuations in Bose systems are admissible? (v) How to create nonground-state condensates? Detailed answers to these questions are given in the review. As examples of nonequilibrium condensates, three cases are described: coherent modes, turbulent superfluids, and heterophase fluids. |
Synopsis (rus, 60 Kb) |
Part 4 | up |
Proceedings of the IV International Pontecorvo Neutrino Physics School (Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 26 - October 6, 2010) | |
Preface (eng, 24 Kb) |
Bilenky S.M. On the Theory of Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations (eng, 0.296 Mb) |
Wojcicki S.G. Accelerator Neutrino Physics - Current Status and Future Prospects (eng, 4.507 Mb) |
Poutissou J.-M. Status of the T2K Experiment (eng, 0.398 Mb) |
Gornushkin Yu.A. Search for ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Chen M.C. Solar Neutrino Experiments: Status and Prospects (eng, 0.321 Mb) |
Grimus W. Theory of Neutrino Masses and Mixing (eng, 0.310 Mb) |
Gonzalez-Garcia M.C. Neutrinos: Determination of Masses and Mixing (eng, 0.774 Mb) |
Th![]() Direct Neutrino Mass Measurements (eng, 0.693 Mb) |
![]() Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay and Related Topics (eng, 1.509 Mb) |
Barabash A.S. Double-Beta Decay Experiments (eng, 3.815 Mb) |
Pastor S. Light Neutrinos in Cosmology (eng, 0.618 Mb) |
Fornengo N. Dark Matter: Theory (eng, 1.012 Mb) |
Rau W. Dark Matter Search Experiments (eng, 0.536 Mb) |
Potzel W. M ![]() |
Mezzetto M. Future Neutrino Long Baseline Experiments (eng, 0.955 Mb) |
Bolshakova A. (for the HARD-CDP Group) There Any «LSND Anomaly»? (eng, 0.955 Mb) |
Part 5 | up |
Popov Yu.V., Zaytsev S.A., Vinitsky S.I. J-Matrix Method of Calculations of Three-Body Coulomb Wave Functions and Cross Sections of Physical Processes (rus, 0.625 Mb) The review is devoted to widely known method of a numerical solution of the three-body Coulomb problem, namely the J-matrix method. The special attention is focused on the ways of solution of the integral Lippmann-Schwinger equation without attraction of pseudostates. There are revealed difficulties connected with a formulation of the integral equation in the spherical coordinates, which lead to a divergence of its integral part if one calculates the wave function with two asymptotically free electrons. The relation between exact and approximate solutions remains unclear, when the matrix of a residual potential is restricted to a finite number of basis functions, and this number goes up. It is shown that, in principle, these problems can be avoided by reformulating them in the parabolic coordinates. |
Borisov G.I. Theoretical and Experimental Physical Methods of Neutron Capture Therapy (rus, 28.100 Mb) The framework of this review is formed mainly by our priority IR-8 NRC «Kurchatov Institute» reactor - based research and development. New NCT theoretical and experimental methods are developed and practically applied. - General analytic and semi-empirical NCT theory based on classical neutron physics: elementary deceleration theory, diffusion, reflection and absorption of neutrons, and not on mathematical simulation. The theory is intended first of all for practical implementation by physicists, engineers, biologists and physicians. This theory could be completely mastered basing on practically general higher education. - Methods of phantom experimental research for semi-empirical NCT theory on intermediate neutrons. - Experimental measuring and control methods of spectral composition of therapeutic, research and analytical neutron beams. - Experimental methods of remote neutron dosimeter of biological objects with intentionally modified tissue elementary composition. - Methods of mass examinations of pharmacokinetics of biological efficiency of novel dose-forming preparations. - Methods of therapeutic, research and analytical neutron beams tailoring. - Methods of capillary neutron optics applications for NCT and other fundamental and applied neutron research. |
Zobov M. (on behalf of DAÔNE, SuperB and SuperC-Tau Accelerator Teams) New Generation Electron-Positron Factories (eng, 3.364 Mb) In 2010 we celebrated 50 years since commissioning of the first particle-storage ring ADA in Frascati (Italy) that also became the first electron-positron collider in 1964. After that date, the particle colliders have increased their intensity, luminosity, and energy by several orders of magnitude. Namely, because of the high stored beam currents and high rate of useful physics events (luminosity) the modern electron-positron colliders are called «factories». However, the fundamental physics has required luminosities by 1-2 orders of magnitude higher with respect to those presently achieved. This task can be accomplished by designing a new generation of factories exploiting the potential of a new collision scheme based on the Crab Waist (CW) collision concept recently proposed and successfully tested in Frascati. In this paper we discuss the performance and limitations of the present generation electron-positron factories and give a brief overview of new ideas and collision schemes proposed for further collider luminosity increase. In more detail, we describe the CW collision concept and the results of the crab waist collision tests in DA ![]() ![]() |
Boya L.J., Rivera C. On the Masses of Elementary Particles (eng, 0.233 Mb) We make an attempt to describe the spectrum of masses of elementary particles, as it comes out empirically in six distinct scales. We argue for some rather well-defined mass scales, like the electron mass; we elaborate on the assumption that there is a minimum mass associated to any electric charge. Another natural mass scale is ![]() ![]() |
Tsyganov Yu.S. The Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator: Program Products and Algorithms (rus, 11.225 Mb) The Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator recent experiments performed at FLNR (JINR) confirmed the hypothesis of superheavy element island of stability existence. Success of those experiments was achieved due to the sum of techniques related with the accelerator and beam diagnostics, as well as the detection ones. Namely, with the separator detection system which can operate using the «active correlations» technique it has become possible to detect rare decays of superheavy nuclei in the background free mode. On the other hand, this detection procedure was successful due to specific algorithms and program products application in the long-term experiments with 48Ca projectiles. |
Synopsis (rus, 64 Kb) |
Part 6 | up |
Ibraeva E.T., Zhusupov M.A., Imambekov O., Sakhyev S.K. Investigation of a Structure of Light Non-Stable Nuclei and Mechanism of Proton Elastic Scattering (rus, 7.286 Mb) The review provides calculations of elastic p6Íå-, p8Li-, p9Li-, and p9Ñ scattering within Glauber's theory of multiple diffraction scattering at intermediate energies of 70 and 700 MeV/nucleon. Noticeable feature of the calculations is that we have utilized realistic three-body wave functions obtained within modern nuclear models. There has been established the relation between differential cross-sections and intercluster potentials where wave functions of the nuclei were calculated. Conclusions on the types of potentials with the most realistic description of the whole range of experimental data are made. The method for calculation of three-body wave functions in ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rodionov V.N., Kravtsova G.A. The Energy Level Shifts, Wave Functions and the Probability Current Distributions for the Bound Scalar and Spinor Particles Moving in a Uniform Magnetic Field (eng, 0.475 Mb) We discuss the equations for the bound one-active electron states based on the analytic solutions of the Schr ![]() ![]() |
Kondratiev V.P., Feofilov G.A. Strange Particles Production in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (rus, 5.128 Mb) This review mainly covers data on the strange particle production in Pb+Pb collisions obtained in heavy ion experiments at CERN SPS. K, ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Izosimov I.N., Kalinnikov V.G., Solnyshkin A.A. Fine Structure of the Strength Functions for the Beta-Decay of Atomic Nuclei (rus, 2.063 Mb) The ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Boreyko A.V., Krasavin E.A. Mutagenic Effect of Accelerated Heavy Ions on Bacterial Cells (rus, 1.049 Mb) With the use of heavy-ion accelerators of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, regularities and mechanisms of the formation of mutations of different types in prokaryote cells were studied. Induction of direct mutations (lac-, tonB-, and colB) in Escherichia coli cells and reverse his- ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Synopsis (rus, 80 Kb) |
Author index (rus) | |
Subject index (rus) |