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JINR Seminars / Newspaper "DUBNA" / "JINR News" Bulletin / NOC News / JINR Announcement board
- 27.12.2016
Memorandum of understanding between JINR and AAEA was signed
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was represented at the 13th Arab Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy which was held on 18 – 22 December 2016 in Hammamet, Tunisia. The conference was organized by the Arab Atomic Energy Agency ( AAEA), the League of Arab States and the National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies of Tunisia ( CNSTN). More in Russian
- 27.12.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #51 27.12.16
JINR 2016: JINR Director is summing up the results
Discovery of superheavy elements. New arrivals
About results of year and plans – at the STC meeting
Linear accelerator of heavy ions was launched
Sound of ocean waves and the obsession of the moon phases
“Baikal GVD”: from expedition to expedition
Rare profession serving the science
FLNP youth reporting
Professor Yu.N. Denisov turned 90
Strategy of the city development was discussed at the JINR Public Council
Yu. Vinogradova: “There is a scope for research”
From Prague to Dubna – as a memento
Postscriptum from the editorial board, or the âot over the i
Service 01 informs. More in Russian
- 26.12.2016
School students from Michurinsk visiting JINR
On 19-20 December 2016, a group of school students from Michurinsk, Tambov region, visited JINR. The guests were first welcomed at the Museum of the History of Science and Technology of JINR, and afterwards in the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Laboratory of Information Technologies, Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, JINR University Centre, and the Laboratory of High Energy Physics.
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- 23.12.2016
Review of the journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, # 47
The JINR review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, published by leading physicists from Member States of JINR, as well as scientists from all over the world, review articles in this eminent journal examine elementary particle physics, problems of vacuum in quantum field theory, condensed matter problems, symmetries in physics, string theories and gravity, nuclear physics, automatic processing of experimental data, accelerators and related instrumentation, accelerator-based transmutation studies, ecological implications of present nuclear and conventional energy sources, energy amplifiers based on accelerators. More in Russian
- 23.12.2016
STC meeting: about the results and plans
On 22 december 2016, JINR Director, Academician V.A. Matveev made a report about the main results of the expiring year and objectives for 2017 at the joint meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council and the JINR Directorate. More in Russian
- 22.12.2016
FLNP youth reporting
A Conference of FLNP young scientists and specialists was held in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics on 19 – 23 December 2016. The Conference was attended by winners of grants of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR in 2016, applicants for the AYSS grants in 2017 and applicants for the Scholarships of I.M. Frank and F.L. Shapiro.
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- 16.12.2016
Discovery of superheavy elements. New arrivals
On Tuesday, 20 December 2016, the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions holds a seminar “Discovery of superheavy elements. New arrivals” by Yuri Oganessian. The beginning of the Seminar is set on 11:00 AM, Venue — FLNR Conference hall. Online broadcast of the Seminar.
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- 16.12.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #50 15.12.16
Press conference in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions: about an important event in Russian science
Academician Victor Anatolievich Matveev turned 75
NICA, biology and materials
Interest in cooperation was confirmed
Book as a work of art
“The Soviet Information Bureau reports”
Discovering the world of science
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- 12.12.2016
Press conference for journalists of Federal channels
On 12 December 2016, seven shooting teams of Russian Federal TV channels came to the conference hall of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR to attend the press conference devoted to the naming of the new elements of the Mendeleev Periodic Table. JINR Director Academician Victor Matveev, Scientific Leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Academician Yuri Oganessian, Director of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Professor Sergei Dmitriev answered questions of the journalists.
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- 12.12.2016
International Workshop "BIOMAT"
The International Workshop on Biophysics and Materials at NICA "BIOMAT" will be held on 12-13 December 2016 in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR, Dubna.
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- 11.12.2016
Jubilee of Academician Victor Anatolievich Matveev
A world-renowned Russian physicist, science organizer and public figure, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Academician Victor Anatolievich Matveev turns 75 on 11 December 2016.
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- 09.12.2016
Regular meeting of the Public Council
The 9th meeting of the Public Council of the JINR Directorate on Cooperation with local authorities of Dubna will be held on 14 December 2016 in the International Conference Hall. The beginning of the meeting is set on 4:00 PM.
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- 08.12.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #49 8.12.16
Headlines: Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries in Krakow. Names of new elements were approved. XIX conference “Science. Philosophy. Religion”. Forum of Young Scientists of the Central Federal District. RSA-JINR: 10 Years Together. Factory of superconducting magnets for the projects NICA and FAIR. At SPSU implementation of the megascience NICA project was discussed. “Best skill Improvement”. M.I. Potapov turned 60!“. Our descendants will envy us…”. 25 years of friendship and understanding .
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- 08.12.2016
School Students from Moscow at JINR
On 7 December 2016 a group of school students from Moscow Lyceum No. 1524 arrived at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, where they visited the Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR, and the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics.
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- 07.12.2016
Workshop on the TANGRA project
A Workshop on the TANGRA project (design and development of the tagged neutron method for determination of the elemental structure of matter and the study of nuclear reactions) will be held on 8-9 December 2016 in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia).
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- 02.12.2016
16th Joint Coordination Committee on RSA-JINR cooperation
On 1 December, at the CSIR International Convention Centre the 16th session of the Joint Coordination on RSA-JINR cooperation was held in the frames of the Forum “RSA-JINR: 10 Years Together”.
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- 01.12.2016
19th International Conference «Science. Philosophy. Religion»
The 19th International Conference «Science. Philosophy. Religion» will be held on 5–6 December 2016 in Dubna (Moscow region) in the International Conference Hall, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
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- 30.11.2016
At SPSU implementation of the megascience NICA project was discussed
From the 21st to the 25th of November at Saint Petersburg State University (SPSU) the 25th Russian nationwide scientific conference on particle accelerators was held, where the leading scientists discussed the main stages of the NICA collider construction.
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- 30.11.2016
IUPAC approved the names of the elements 113, 115, 117, and 118
Today, on 30 November 2016, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry announced that the elements 113, 115, 117, and 118 are now formally named.
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- 29.11.2016
Line for assembling of superconducting magnets was launched
On 28 November, an official ceremony of launching of the high-technology line for assembling and cryogenic testing of superconducting magnets was held in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR.
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- 28.11.2016
Start of the scientific forum “RSA-JINR: 10 Years Together”
Today, on 28 November, at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria RSA-JINR 10th Collaboration Celebration & Ten-year Review Forum, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of JINR and ...
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- 28.11.2016
Meet art of the East and the Mediterranean
On 1 – 4 December 2016, Dubna will host events in the frames of educational programmes for development of international cultural relations, with the participation of the following artistic groups: the “RHYTHM” Dance Studio (Dubna, Russia), the “Hamsa” Center Eastern and Mediterranean Art (Athens, Greece) and the Mona El Said Dance School (Hurghada, Egypt).
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- 25.11.2016
Russian Nationwide Forum «Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia»
On 21-24 November 2016, the 4th Russian nationwide forum «Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia» was held in Yaroslavl.
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- 25.11.2016
JINR is increasingly opening its doors to guests
The JINR Visit Centre, where meetings, briefings, lectures and seminars are constantly held, is open not only for adults, but also for children.
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- 24.11.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #48 24.11.16
DÑ-280: magnet on the scene. All else is being gathered together;
Ceremonial launch of the Phystech.Train;
RSA-JINR: 10 years together;
New partner;
We live in the era of the epigenetic revolution;
Mirror of the Press;
Fifth graders in the JINR Visit Centre;
“Kvant” about the Days of physics;
Scientific New Year party “Wow! How?”;
“Compass” orienteer.
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- 23.11.2016
Krakow. Committee of Plenipotentiaries
A regular session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States chaired by Chairman of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria in JINR L. Kostov was held on 21-22 November 2016 in Krakow (Poland).
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- 22.11.2016
RSA-JINR Scientific Forum «10 Years Together»
From 28 November to 1 December 2016 at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria RSA-JINR 10th Collaboration Celebration & Ten-year Scientific Forum, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of JINR and the 10th anniversary of cooperation between JINR and the Republic of South Africa, will be held.
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- 21.11.2016
Development of NICA–FAIR cooperation
On 16 November 2016, in the Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research — GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) the Workshop “Perspectives for Joint Science and Academic Training at FAIR and NICA” was held. The Workshop was attended by a representative delegation from JINR headed by JINR Director V.A. Matveev.
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- 18.11.2016
Krakow. About development of JINR in 2017-2023
On 18 November, in Krakow (Poland) an opening of a meeting of the JINR Finance Committee chaired by Director of the Department of Finance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A.V. Zarubin was held...
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- 17.11.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #47 17.11.16
Headlines: Krakow. About development of JINR in 2017-2023. FLNP to continue and win.
Days of Bulgarian cinema in JINR.
Victor Vasilievich Voronov turned 70.
Topical issues of urban development.
When monuments of history and culture become objects of research.
“Only the music”.
Festival “Friendship of nations” has gladden all its participants.
Journey to Muranovo.
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- 16.11.2016
Topical issues of urban development
The eighth regular meeting of the Public Council of the JINR Directorate on Cooperation with local authorities of Dubna headed by S.A. Kulikov was held on 11 November 2016 in the JINR Club of Scientists and was mainly devoted to the urban development of Dubna. The Office of Urban Development of Dubna presented to members of the Council the draft of the new general plan of the city for discussion.
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- 15.11.2016
China has developed the second power of the magnet in the world
Chinese scientists announced on Monday they have created a world-class steady-state magnetic field, whose intensity reached 400,000 gauss, or 40 tesla, second only to that of the United States at the
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
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- 14.11.2016
Victor Vasilievich Voronov turned 70
Director of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Professor Victor Vasilievich Voronov turned 70 on 12 November 2016.
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- 11.11.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #46 10.11.16
Headlines: At the turn of Seven-year periods. “Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions”. Meetings in Egypt. Remembering of collegues who have passed away: Academician Andrzej Hrynkiewicz Ovsat Bahram oglu Abdinov Everything is possible. Physicists are preparing for new discoveries The Raman effect in FLNP: a range of methods expands Awards, prizes Parabola of Voznesensky Jokes of the genius Taldom: a new word in development of tourism Days of science movies Chrysanthemum in the Crimea.
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- 10.11.2016
Days of Bulgarian cinema in JINR
JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”
invites everyone to attend the Days of Bulgarian cinema in JINR on 15 – 19 November 2016.
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- 09.11.2016
Mounting of the DC-280 magnet was finished
In the new experimental building of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions mounting of the DC-280 magnet was finished; DC-280 will be the basic facility of the “Factory of Superheavy Elements” – the new research complex for the synthesis and study of properties of new elements in the area of the island of stability.
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- 09.11.2016
The Round Table Meeting "Topical Issues of General and Space Radiobiology and Astrobiolody"
On 9-11 October 2016, the Laboratory of Radiation Biology JINR holds the Round Table Meeting "Topical Issues of General and Space Radiobiology and Astrobiolody". Programme of the Round Table Meeting.
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- 08.11.2016
The Governor’s awards
Subsequent to the resolution ¹ 298-ÐÃ of 1st November 2016 of the Governor of the Moscow Region a list of winners of the prize “In the fields of science and innovations for young scientists and specialists” was approved. The prize winners were 10 young scientists and 5 teams from 10 municipalities of the Moscow region. Each prize consists of a certificate of the winner and a cash reward of 700 thousand rubles. More in Russian
- 04.11.2016
FLNP School for young scientists
The 7th International School for Young Scientist and Students «Instruments and Methods of Experimental Nuclear Physics» will be held on 7-11 November 2016. in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. More in Russian
- 03.11.2016
Information on work of Governing and Advisory Bodies of JINR
At the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council, 28 October 2016
- Programme of the meeting
Details of the resolution of the 120th session of the JINR Scientific Council
- Full text of the Resolution
 Comments of JINR Chief Scientific Secretary N.A. Russakovich on the 120th session of the JINR Scientific Council
- Programme of the session
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- 03.11.2016
Linear accelerator of heavy ions was launched
One of the main injectors of the future Collider complex NICA, the linear accelerator of heavy ions was launched in the Laboratory of High Energy Physics. More in Russian
- 03.11.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #45 03.11.16
Headlines: At the turn of Seven-year periods.
About new technologies firsthand. From the resolution the 120th JINR Scientific Council. Corals from the Red sea. A. D. Konin turned 90. Dubna athlete is the champion of Poland. Local historians from Tver visited Dubna. New life of the Home of science. Two evenings with shouts of “bravo”.
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- 02.11.2016
New life of the House of science
A presentation of Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR was held on 1 November 2016. More in Russian
- 01.11.2016
The Institute for High Energy Physics will be named after A.A. Logunov
This decision was adopted by the Directorate of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” which is a parent organization of IHEP. More in Russian
- 01.11.2016
The JINR Directorate deeply regrets to announce
On 29 October 2016, Professor Ovsat Bahram oglu ABDINOV passed away. He was acting Plenipotentiary representative of Azerbaijan in JINR, the member of the JINR Scientific Council, the Head of the Laboratory for High Energy Physics of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the outstanding person and scientist. More in Russian
- 31.10.2016
Three new RAS members from JINR
On 28 October 2016, at the General meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences the results of the RAS elections, which were held on 24-27 October, were confirmed. According to them, three more scientists from JINR were elected as members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. More in Russian
- 29.10.2016
International Workshop «Hadronic Matter under Extreme Conditions»
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research organizes Meeting of the working group on theory of hadronic matter under extreme conditions. The Meeting will take place on 31 October – 3 November 2016 in the International Conference Hall in Dubna. More than 70 scientists from many countries will attend the Meeting and discuss various aspects of the heavy ion physics. Web site of the Meeting. More in Russian
- 28.10.2016
School for teachers of physics at CERN
The School for teachers of physics from the JINR Member States at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will be held on 30 October – 6 November 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
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- 27.10.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #44 27.10.16
Headlines: Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met the JINR Directorate. JINR Days in Armenia. Mirror of the Press. Visit of a Chinese delegation. Mega-projects of the future. About the science of recent youth: attempts to forecast.
Almost everything about INIS. Komsomol turned 98. Remembering of collegues who have passed away: Professor Walter Greiner. Yu.K. Akimov. “Life is a play…”. “Pushkin and his contemporaries in Tver”.
GoodDay – it sounds positively!. “Moscow chronicler” – dedicated to the anniversary of Dubna More in Russian
- 25.10.2016
The JINR Directorate deeply regrets to announce
On 6 October 2016, Chairman of the JINR Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics, the outstanding scientist who contributed greatly to the development of modern physics, Professor Walter Greiner passed away in the 81st year of life.
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- 24.10.2016
Armenian President met the JINR Directorate
President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan received JINR Director, Academician Victor Matveev, JINR Vice-Directors M.G. Itkis and R. Lednicky, scientific leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR, Academician Yu.Ts. Oganessian on 19 October 2016 in Yerevan. More in Russian
- 24.10.2016
JINR Days in Armenia
President Serzh Sargsyan received delegation of scientists headed by the Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, academician Victor Matveev on 19 October 2016.
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- 24.10.2016
7th JINR/CERN School
The 7th JINR/CERN School of Information Technology «GRID and Advanced Information Systems» is being held on 24-28 October 2016 in the International Conference Hall in Dubna.
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- 24.10.2016
Joint seminar of RDMS CMS collaboration
A regular meeting of the joint scientific seminar “Physics on the Large Hadron Collider” (leader: prof. I.A.Golutvin) which is organized by the RDMS CMS collaboration of Russian institutes and JINR Member States that take part in the LHC experiment Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) will be held on 26 October 2016, at 3.00 pm (Moscow time) at the conference hall of the JINR University center (LIT, room 437). More in Russian
- 21.10.2016
Visit of Chinese colleagues to JINR
The Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
renews scientific relations with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. More in Russian
- 20.10.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #43 20.10.16
Headlines: NICA: the outline of the project has appeared. JINR Days in Azerbaijanå. 23rd “Baldin autumn”: from the history to the future. “MURomets 2016”: Bogatyr strength, will power and fortitude. Humanitarian pathway – 2016: Samara – Moscow – Saint Petersburg – Bishkek. Weightlifting: Traditional, memorial. More in Russian
- 20.10.2016
Internship for young CIS scientists
On 16 October – 15 November 2016, the regular Internship for young CIS scientists
is being held in Dubna on the basis of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. More in Russian
- 19.10.2016
JINR Topical Plan 2017 was published
The scientific activity of JINR is executed on the basis of the annually issued document
“Topical Plan (TP) for JINR Research and International Cooperation”.
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- 18.10.2016
JINR Days in Azerbaijan
From 12th to 14th of October 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan, events dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of JINR were held, namely the session of the Working Group of the Finance Committee (FC) under the JINR CPP chairmanship and the traditional event for the JINR Member States this year – “JINR Days”. More in Russian
- 13.10.2016
Our Institute at the Science Festival
From 7th to 9th of September 2016 the All-Russia Science Festival NAUKA 0+, was taking place on the basis of leading capital universities, museums and research centres.
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- 13.10.2016
JINR Annual Report 2015
The JINR Annual Report on activities of the Institute for the year 2015 was published.
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- 13.10.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #42 13.10.16
Headlines: Nuclotron: results, plans, timing. Our Institute at the Science Festival. Nuclear forensics is a new field of research. Speaking about astrobiology with physicists and biologists. Dedicated to the 50 anniversary of LCTA-LIT. The pages of the “Impulse”. Results of physics and mathematics competitions for schoolchildren. More in Russian
- 11.10.2016
Speaking about astrobiology with physicists and biologists
A seminar by Professor Richard Hoover (Athens State University, USA, University of Buckingham, UK) “Perspectives in astrobiology: life in the cosmos” took place on 6 October 2016 in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR. More in Russian
- 07.10.2016
«Perspectives of Experimental Research at the Nuclotron Beams»
The 4th International Workshop on «Perspectives of Experimental Research at the Nuclotron Beams» was held on 6 October in the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics. The Workshop was attended by the co-organizers of the NICA project JINR Vice-Director G.V. Trubnikov, Professor A.S. Sorin, representatives of scientific centers such as INR, SINP MSU, MIPT, ITEP. More in Russian
- 06.10.2016
Latest issue of the JINR weekly newspaper #41 06.10.16
Headlines: “New Trends in High Energy Physics”. Astrobiology – Superheavy elements. Remembering of collegues who have passed away (E.A. Perelshtein). Trip report: EXON-2016. JINR at the Festival of Science «Nauka 0+». Visit to the Far Eastern Federal University.
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- 03.10.2016
All-Russia Science Festival 2016